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Running "sc reboot"

You can use WinSCP.

  1. Open WinSCP.

  2. Log on with the user name and password of the device.

  3. Open the console using "Open Terminal".

  4. Enter "sc reboot".

  5. Click on "Execute".

Executing an HMI reboot

  1. Press "F10" on the HMI panel.

  2. Select the right-hand arrow.

  3. Select "HMI reboot".

Updating SINUMERIK Operate causes problems relating to date and time

If HMI date and time are not current, the directories have the following creation dates and times.


Check whether the HMI date and time are current.


Onboarding duration

If you have saved onboard.key, then onboarding is completed within between 2 and 3 minutes. The duration depends on the SINUMERIK device that is used for onboarding.

Directory {TempDir}/boot_job

The value of {TempDir} refers to the following entry from file "/user/Sinumerik/hmi/cfg/ePSConfig.xml":

<global><stations><station name="NCU840D"><tempDir>

The default value of {TempDir} is "/var/tmp".