

Alarms can be configured using variables. Certain alarms also have alarm numbers that are assigned to machine functions for machine diagnostics. When certain alarms occur, you can upload user-defined files to Insights Hub.


Aspects or variable sets are a group of the same data points / variables and describe the context of the imported data, e.g. wear.


For Insights Hub, an asset is each connected element that provides data. This can be a machine or an individual component. In conjunction with this documentation, an "asset" is a machine tool with SINUMERIK 840D sl.

Asset Manager

The "Asset Manager" is a Manage MyMachines for Industrial Operations X Cloud. The assets of a machine are created and configured in the "Asset Manager". The application is also used for the management of customers, users and shop floors.


A certificate must be regularly updated to achieve comprehensive security.


Using function "My Dashboards", you can create and edit various diagrams and table overviews. The individual diagrams can be edited using icons in the diagram window and parameters changed.


SINUMERIK offers various functions that can be applied in various configurations. Individual adaptations can be made.

Cross Tenancy

You have the option of releasing assets for other tenants using the "Cross Tenancy" function. Insights Hub functions, such as data associated with time series, asset information, aspects etc. are then visible for these end users. Any data shared requires an active authorization or rejection by the receiving tenant.

Data points or variables

For "Manage MyMachines", data points or variables are all the values that can be acquired from the NC, the PLC and from the drives, e.g. sampling rate, temperature, jerk. They must be defined and configured in the asset configuration as data points. The data is combined into aspects. The captured values are then displayed as time series in "Manage MyMachines" under "Aspects". There are also preconfigured data sets, such as the SINUMERIK basic configuration and the machine availability. Details can be found in the relevant sections.


You have the option of exporting data points of an aspect. Data in a certain time range can be exported in two ways. The exported data is stored in several files depending on the data volume.

Failure analysis

You have the option of displaying a failure analysis on the machine dashboard. All assets, which have a matching configuration, are checked using the failure analysis function.

Insights Hub - Industrial IoT ecosystem from Siemens

Insights Hub – the open cloud platform from Siemens – is the core component of a high-performance IoT operating system. It offers data analysis, comprehensive connectivity, tools for developers, applications and services. Insights Hub supports you in the analysis and utilization of your data in order to obtain new insights. In this way, you can optimize your resources for maximum availability.

Machine agent

Using machine agents, you have the option of connecting other controls (not SINUMERIK controls) with Insights Hub. The machine agent shows an overview of all available agents in the machine agent backend and the following parameters in "Machine Agent Details".

Machine dashboard

The "Machine Dashboard" view provides a summary of the SINUMERIK basic configuration and machine availability for the selected SINUMERIK control. The machine status, NC program status as well as the operating mode can be simultaneously displayed.

Main entry

In the status summary, you can view various parameters for the machine, the NC program and the operating mode. These parameters are created as drop-down list.


onboard-key is a file that is used to onboard assets. The file contains safety-relevant information for establishing a connection between a SINUMERIK control and Insights Hub. The file can be temporarily saved on the end device. The onboard.key is no longer relevant if the connection between the SINUMERIK control and Insights Hub has been fully established.


A proxy is a communication interface within a network. This proxy acts as an intermediary between various computers or networks. The communication partner addresses remain hidden; however, a connection between them can still be established.

Shopfloor Management Application

Manage MyMachines for Industrial Operations X Cloud "Shopfloor Management Application" has buttons in the left-hand section of the window which make it possible for you to use various applications. You require user role shopfloormgmtapp to use the Manage MyMachines for Industrial Operations X Cloud "Shopfloor Management Application"

Spindle monitor

You can display information and recorded operating conditions from the SMI24 Sensor Module of a spindle. The precondition for this is the Manage MyMachines for Industrial Operations X Cloud "Manage MyMachines /Spindle Monitor".

Time range

Some Manage MyMachines pages offer the option of adapting the display to address your specific requirements by allowing you to set the time range and time zone using the calendar function.

User settings

For example, under "User settings" you can change the language and the machine overview


The software uses different variables that you can set.

For example, variables can be set to define when a specific alarm occurs.