Filtering according to static variables

When you have set the slider to "Manage MyMachines /Spindle Monitor" or "Manage MyMachines /Remote", the following four static variables are created:

  • ChargingModel

  • Renewal

  • RenewalDate

  • SubscriptionStartDate

You can configure the machine overview so that billing information is displayed in the machine field as static variable.

More information is provided in Chapter: Configuring a machine overview

You can filter variables in the machine overview.


Variable marking, "Manage MyMachines" and "Manage MyMachines /Remote"

The associated static variables are marked with "MMMR" if you have activated "Manage MyMachines /Remote".


Procedure for filtering static variables

  1. You have the option of filtering machines according to a certain static variable.
    In the right-hand upper section of the window, click on the "Filter" icon.
    The "My filter" window opens.

  2. In the left-hand drop-down list, select "Variables".
    Open the right-hand drop-down list "Select variables" and select the variable.


    You obtain an overview of the machine with the filter result. The second variable appears in the first line of the field.
