My Plant

"My Plant" view

The "My Plant" view ("My Plant") displays the available assets.


Assets in the "My Plant" view ("My Plant")

Number of dashboards created on the asset

Selected asset

Dashboards available at the asset

Open parameter list

Overview of the variables and KPIs available at the asset

Open list of report configurations

Configuring a new report

Number of reports configured for the asset


Refreshes the assets display


The figure below shows a user-defined dashboard.


Navigation bar - selection of a view

Assets in the "My Plant" view ("My Plant")

Breadcrumb navigation

Navigation back

Marking an overview of the dashboards at the asset / dashboard as favorite

Displayed period, time navigation

Show/hide the navigation area left / right of the info panel

Menu button with options on the dashboard

Menu button with options on a widget


Show/hide parameter list

Show/hide texts of the navigation bar

The icon 161404099083.png next to an asset indicates that at least one dashboard is available at the asset.