Displaying the step time analysis


  • You have created steps for the asset in the Asset-Manager.

  • You have defined limits under "Step time analysis settings".


When the requirements are met, the step time analysis is automatically displayed in the "Step time analysis" dashboard.


To access the "Step time analysis", proceed as follows:

  1. In the navigation bar, go to "Analysis" and select "Step time analysis".

  2. Select the asset for which the step time analysis is to be displayed.

  3. You can switch the display of My Plant between tree and list view.

  4. Set the main criteria by which the information for the step time analysis is filtered:

    • Specify the period for which the information is displayed.

    • View either the steps of the desired product or product-independent steps.

    • Decide whether the planned or actual values are to be displayed.

The display of the step time analysis is divided up into two analysis views:

  • The "Overview" view, where all information on the sequences for a specified time and for the selected product is displayed.

  • The "Analysis" view, in which the behavior of the individual steps is graphically displayed.