What's new?

After you open the app for the first time, you will be welcomed with the display "What’s new in Performance Insight". The newly added features are presented here.


You can also call a presentation of the new features from the start page.

You can find the history of new features in all versions in the SiePortal.

Version V1.17

Analyses at a glance

The "Analysis" view shows the dashboards for OEE analyses, batch analyses, and step time analyses at a glance.

Batch analysis for multiple assets

Batch analysis is now possible for a selection of multiple assets. This allows you to compare the data of different batches from different production lines.

More detailed usage information

The "Usage information" view shows in detail which assets are using which resources. A direct link to a resource upgrade is provided.

More units added to selection lists

  • Parts per second, parts per minute, or parts per hour can be selected as units for "TheoreticalSpeed" in the OEE settings.

  • Seconds and milliseconds can be selected as units for microstops.

More user friendly

The legend display in chart views of widgets is now more user friendly.

New links on the start page

Give us your feedback. You can find a direct link on the start page.

You can display the app documentation in HTML format directly from the start page.