MindAccess Developer Plan Subscribers and MindAccess Operator Plan Subscribers


The following Release Notes are valid only for region China 1.You can find more information about regions in the MindSphere regions document.

IoT and Storage Services: File Service

Known issues:

  • For security reasons a strict timeout is enforced. Currently this leads to the situation that the size of a file which can be uploaded/ downloaded depends on the network bandwidth at client side.

  • After deleting an asset, associated files might still be accessible for up to 30 minutes as this data is deleted asynchrounously.

  • Multi-part uploading or completing may failed with “500 Internal Server Error”. To avoid such failure, please make sure some interval (e.g 3s, must be greater than 1s) between each part uploading request or before completing the multi-part uploading.

IoT and Storage Services: Time Series Service

Known issues

  • The maximum payload size of a message sent to time series service as part of a PUT request cannot exceed 1 MB.

  • The service will never return more than 2000 records in a response

  • After deleting an asset, respective Time Series data might still be accessible for up to 30 minutes as this data is deleted asynchronously.

  • When getting the job status of a bulk import job, the response might not always contain detailed information on errors that occurred.

  • When using “select” parameter in GET method of Time Series API, the response might not always contain all the data in the below scenario:

There are 3002 time series data in the given time range of GET method, the earliest time values "_time1" and the latest value is "_time3002". There are only 3 "var2" as in below table. When "var2" is considered by “select” parameter, only "var2" from "_time1" would be returned.


















