IoT Value Plan Subscribers, MindAccess Developer Plan Subscribers and MindAccess Operator Plan Subscribers


The following Release Notes are valid only for region Europe 2. You can find more information about regions in the MindSphere regions document.

Asset Manager

What's new?

  • You are now able as a MindConnect Lib user to upload datalake objects to Europe 2 URL.

Known issues

  • If a VFC workflow for an asset in a subtenant exists, it is not shown in the respective tile in the asset manager for a tenant admin.

  • The Connectivity Management view currently only shows assets derived by BasicAgent, MindConnect Nano, MindConnect IoT2040, MindConnect Library or Industrial Edge or a derived type of the mentioned ones.

  • Fleet Manager navigation is not working correctly if you have to relogin as query parameters are lost. This problem will be addressed soon. Please try again by clicking the Fleet Manager navigation button.

CMS X-Tools V5.0.0.6

Known issues

  • General: X-Tools is capable to upload huge amount of data, but the restriction of your MindSphere plan have to be met all the time.

  • See local installed release notes.

Data Exploration built on Tableau®

Known issues

  • If you receive NULL values for timestamps on a Windows PC, please change your language for non-unicode programs to English (United States). You'll find the settings in Control Panel =>Region and Language => Administrative.

Identity and Access Management

Known Issues

  • After modifying the authorization of a User via Identity Management Service, the change is not immediately visible. The user must then close the browser and login again.

  • In the current version the logout with Internet Explorer 11 might not work. In this case please close the browser directly.

Integrated Data Lake

What's new?

  • A New Service Principal UI will issue a security identity for working with Azure native tools on the data stored in MindSphere Europe 2 based Integrated Data Lake

  • Integrated Data Lake is now available on EU2 platform. It allows the following set of capabilities :

    • Store structured and unstructured data in its native format until it is needed.

    • Ability to import time series data from the MindSphere IoT Data Store.

    • Generate signed URLs to upload, update or download objects/files.

    • Ability to delete objects/files from the Integrated Data Lake.

    • Add, update and delete metadata tags for objects/files.

    • Subscribe to event notifications using REST calls.

    • Bring your own tools from Microsoft e.g. Power BI, Azure Databricks and work with data stored in Integrated Data Lake (using concept of service principals)

MindConnect Edge Analytics

Known Issues

  • When uploading Event Based Data Upload or Data Upload package to MindConnect Nano device and there are no enabled input signals within the Analysis Package configuration, the update ends in error state "Prepare Environment or Update/Start Configuration". Having critical error message in User Logs.

  • Note: A full configured monitoring of the Analyzing Packages Vibration Characteristic Values and Vibration Frequency Spectra with all channels of one SM1281 can exceed the CPU performance of the MindConnect Nano. Also in other scenarios dependent of tasks running in parallel on the MindConnect Nano, CPU load can get to high. The Recommendation is to use only two full configured Vibration Frequency Spectra Analyzing Packages in parallel.

  • If remote operations in MindConnect Edge Analytics application reacts very slow: Please delete the MindConnect asset and create a new agent.

MindConnect API

Known Issues

  • When creating, updating or deleting aspects on an asset in Asset Manager, it might take some time (up to 30 minutes) until this aspect or respective changes are available on the Time Series Service and available for visualization in Fleet Manager.

MindConnect IoT Extension

Known Issues

  • Launchpad button is not working in MindConnect IoT Extension. It is not possible to return to the Launchpad via the OS bar - use tile on the top right corner. Please use the Launchpad Button in the IoT Extension applications.( right corner on the top)

MindSphere OS bar

Known issues

  • The OS bar is currently containing a wrong url to the status page. The updated url of the MindSphere status page is The new url is also displayed at the page where the old url is redirected to. Please do the manual redirect to see the MindSphere Status page.


Known Issues

  • After creating provider information, only users with the mdsp:core:TenantAdministrator role are allowed to make use of the support form in Launchpad. Links to your own user support can be provided through the provider information settings. This is equal to other content such as corporate information.

Subtenant Functionality

Known Issues

  • The subtenant use case is not yet supported by Data Flow Engine.

  • Applications can use the subtenant functionality via the provided APIs. Tenant administrators should pay attention when assigning such apps to subtenant users, as subtenant isolation cannot be ensured by the platform. The app may also expose data to the user that is not intended to be seen.

  • When moving an asset from a parent tenant to a subtenant, there may be a delay of up to 30 minutes until a subtenant user will be able to see data related to that asset.

  • Please be aware if you provide a user (even subtenant user) with the role "mdsp:core:TenantAdmin", this user is then able to get access to all types of tenant data.


What's new?

  • It is now possible to get access and purchase Backing Services Pay-Per-Use via Upgrade tool.

  • Access to Upgrade offerings is now possible for tenants of type "Base".

  • The access to Upgrade offerings is now possible for tenants of type "Base"

Known Issues

  • Cloud Foundry related Upgrades like "Backing Services Upgrade" are not working for tenants created before August 2019. A fix will be provided soon.

  • Permission to buy is currently part of tenant admin and will be extracted to a separated role soon.

  • Currently no personalized notifications for subscriptions (TenantAdmin) or subscription requests (StandardUser) are available.

  • Purchasing request notifications are send to all tenant admins.

  • Upgrade is providing a fast provisional access to the requested quota. It requires an approval by the commercial contact who will be informed separately.

  • Supported Language: English only.

  • Supported Currency: EUR only.

Usage Transparency

What's new?

  • Additional metrics will be shown on Customer Dashboard: "Timeseries storage"

  • With the introduction of pay-per-use services into Customer Dashboard, the tab names on left bar in Usage Transparency app will be changed. Changing "Limits" to "Services" and "Services" to "Offerings".

Known Issues

  • Usage Transparency app running on MindSphere is loading sporadically "Asset tab" slower than expected.

  • "Visual Explorer" metric displays "0" instead of users logged in to "Visual Explorer". "Visual Explorer" itself works and correct number of users are considered for licensing.

Visual Explorer

What's new?

  • Within this release data sources can be created based on Integrated Data Lake files.(also when using Europe 2)

  • For continuously updated data sources, two additional time periods are now available for selection: 180 days and 270 days.

  • Updates that have already been released on region Europe 2 since July. A new role is added for the Visual Explorer. The Visual Explorer Admin can manage all workbooks, i.e. delete workbooks and reorganize. Quality codes - if available in IoT - are part of the data sources.

  • The Visual Explorer will enable choosing future data in the Visual Explorer Connector. This allows customers to use this data as a benchmark for where they want the current data to be a benchmark for the location of the current data.

  • Static asset data is available in the data source: asset name, description, time zone.

  • Limitations communicated in the documentation are implemented.

  • It is now possible to transfer data from Parquet files in Integrated Data Lake to Tableau Server.

Known issues

  • Visual Explorer Connector cannot create data source with assets that have values from the data type Big String.

  • On the eu2 environment the sub tenant use case (sub tenant user can access visual explorer creator/viewer) is not supported.

  • Visual Explorer does not report license usage correctly to Usage Transparency Service.

Visual Flow Creator

What's new?

  • Within this release you gain access to the aggregates V4 API.

Known Issues

  • Data lake subscription does not work as expected.

  • Cannot read filenames with two colons in name.

  • http_in node does not allow other tenant users to access endpoint as expected and configured.

  • Integrated Data Lake subscription node is not supported.