IoT Value Plan Subscribers, MindAccess Developer Plan Subscribers and MindAccess Operator Plan Subscribers


The following Release Notes are valid only for region China 1.

Increased limits of IoT Value Plans

MindSphere has increased the limits for certain key features of the MindAccess IoT Value Plans.

  • Limits for asset types and asset instances within the MindAccess IoT Value Plans M and L are doubled.

  • Rules for usage within the Fleet Manager's rules monitor are added for all MindAccess IoT Value Plan sizes. This allows condition monitoring use cases "out of the box".

For more details please refer to the updated Product Sheet for MindAccess IoT Value Plan made available on

Asset Manager

Known issues

  • Fleet Manager navigation is not working correctly if you have to re-login as query parameters are lost. Please try again by clicking the Fleet Manager navigation button.

Currently not available in China 1

  • If you enhanced your plan with the Visual Flow Creator (VFC), you can initiate the workflow creation from the currently selected asset. If workflows are already available for the selected asset, you will be informed about it via tile showing the workflows status (enabled / disabled)

  • With the newly designed detail view of assets, you have immediate insight into the status of the selected asset based on events and time series data.

  • You can import already existing time series data to a selected aspect on an asset to include such data in your analysis.

  • The groups in the asset navigation list can be collapsed and expanded to improve the overview.

  • In case you are about to exceed your plans allowed amount of asset types or asset instances, you are informed and can use the Upgrade application to increase the relevant metric.

Fleet Manager

Known issues

  • Fixed hexadecimal value in quality code (Aspect extension)

Fleet Manager Rules

Currently not available in China 1

  • Integration of In-Platform Purchase (IPP)

    • Added user-information to detail views (user can see the email address of the buyer, requester and approver).

    • Mail notification to requester about approval status of his subscription request.


Known Issues

  • If a user has only app roles but no standard role, the user will see no apps on the Launchpad and gets an information about missing roles

Visual Analyzer

Currently not available in China 1

  • Cross tenancy support - Visualization of shared assets and their time series


Currently not available in China 1

  • Password reset, activation and de-activation of service credentials are possible in the Settings Application

  • Service Credentials

    • available for Cloud Foundry to create technical users in order to establish e.g. a CI/CD pipeline.

    • up to 3 credentials can be created with an automatic expiry after 365 days

    • refresh password

    • activate/deactivate service credential

Subtenant Functionality

Known issues

  • Applications can use the subtenant functionality via the provided APIs. Tenant administrators should pay attention when assigning such apps to subtenant users as subtenant isolation cannot be ensured by the platform. The app might expose data to the user that is not intended to be seen.

  • When moving an asset from a parent tenant to a subtenant, there might be a delay of up to 30 minutes until a subtenant user will be able to see data related to that asset.

  • Please be aware, if you provide a user (even subtenant user) the role "mdsp:core:TenantAdmin", this user is then able to get access to all kinds of tenant data.

Visual Explorer

Known issues

  • Any request within Visual Explorer is limited to an execution time of 60s

  • The "share via link" functionality works unreliable

  • Some statements in calculated fields may be rejected in MindGate (formulas containing "ELSE" and "CASE")

Currently not available in China 1

  • Update the Visual Explorer environment with Tableau server version to 2019.1.1. All features which are available by tableau within this version will also be available in the VE environment (e.g. implement Image files to the dashboard).

  • Visualize and analyze high frequency data

  • Single asset data visualization with up to 20MB in size

  • Data to include up to 2 to 3 million datasets

  • Quota Enforcement

    • Introducing a technical limit of the number of users to the ordered offering, i.e. you will not be able to have more users access the Application than contractually agreed.

    • Process:

    a. All users are deleted from Tableau Server (no effect on your data)

    b. When a new user tries to log in the first time, we check the desired role and decide whether they are redirected to the application or not

    c. If the limit of available licenses has been reached, we display an error message listing the acquired vs. consumed users.

    • License allocation is based on first come, first serve.

      Example: you have purchased the Visual Explorer Viewer Offering Small, 20 users will get access to the Application with the respective rights. The first 20 users who have the role and access the Application will be able to use it as desired. The 21st and each following user will not be able to access the Application and see the described error message.

    • Role assignment: Settings Application is unaffected – role can be assigned without any limitation

  • Time range and update frequency for data sources can now be chosen independently

    inside the Visual Explorer Connector application. The result depends on the sparseness of your data in the given range.

    The setting will work if your dataset does not exceed the given amount of datapoints for the configured update interval.

    If your actual dataset contains too many datapoints the datasource dialog will show a warning.

  • Direct link to the upgrade App for purchasing Visual Explorer Upgrades

Visual Flow Creator

Currently not available in China 1

  • Anomaly detection nodes: Use Anomaly detection nodes within your workflow to automatically detect unexpected behaviour of processes and assets using time series data. Typical use cases for the Anomaly Detection Service are process and condition monitoring, early warning applications, and fault condition detection without an explicit definition.

  • Support of Cross tenancy for read access (shared assets)

  • New node Asset type: new node to process time series data per asset type to scale workflows

  • Extended http request node: MindSphere services can be used within the http request node

  • Custom Nodes:

    • Develop own nodes or re-use existing compatible nodes and deploy them to the VFC

    • Nodes can appear on the node palette and can be used in workflows

    • Easy to add and remove custom nodes

  • New MindSphere dashboard nodes

  • Show remaining file transfers for read/write file nodes

  • User Interface (UI) provides support for Chinese language

  • The "Dashboard Viewer" allows VFC users to publish their dashboards and access the published dashboards provided by other users.

Usage Transparency Service

Known issues

  • Time used for usage information storage and displayed on UTS UI is only using UTC time zone, not depending on the time zone of the region.

  • All usages generated within a Cloud Foundry Environment cannot be collected by Usage Transparency Services. All usages from and to a Cloud Foundry Environment e.g. requests to APIs still will be collected.

  • Usage Transparency Service reports are only available after a 1-hour delay for developers.

  • Customer Dashboard does not cover all metrics and upgrades that UTS measures for a tenant. We are continuously working on introducing more metrics and upgrades.

Currently not available in China 1

  • Additional metrics can be shown at the Customer Dashboard: Number of Users in Visual Explorer having role "Viewer" and Number of Users in Visual Explorer having role "Creator"

  • Additional metric can be shown at the Customer Dashboard: Number of computing hours used to create workflows in Visual Flow Creator

  • User Interface (UI) provides support for Chinese language.

  • In Platform Purchase in the Usage Transparency application for selected products inside the Limit view.


Known issues

  • Only single asset sharing is available in the first release

  • Sharing of assets derived from basicAgent and their corresponding plugins is not yet supported

  • Tenant assets can not be moved under collaborators root asset or shared assets

  • Unsharing of assets is currently not possible in the UI but via MindSphere Support

  • Revoking of sharing offers on sharer side is not yet possible

  • Terminating the collaboration will not remove active sharings and shared assets on the receiver side in the first release

  • In some cases, the German translation of the Asset Manager UI  may hold English text elements.

  • The location of an asset will not be shared with the receiver

Asset Performance Monitoring

Known issues

  • High Value Asset Monitoring

    • Application matches only the text version of the value of the variable to the user supplied text, but the configuration label reads "Variable value:" giving incomplete information to the user. Label should read "Variable value text:".

  • Multi-site monitoring

    • Application does not sort list of most frequently occurring events at site upon loading the site dashboard.

    • Removal of site without the removal of site configuration may result in failure if site has rules.

  • Event Management

    • Application may not correctly sort events if timestamp of events in day contain both am and pm.

  • KPI Calculations

    • Variable of any type can be selected for the KPI calculation configuration leading to inconclusive output if unsupported variable type is selected (requires positive float number).

MindConnect IoT Extension

Known issues

  • Launchpad button is not working in MindConnect IoT Extension. It is not possible to return to the Launchpad via the OS bar. Please use the Launchpad button in the IoT Extension applications.( right corner on the top)

Currently not available in China 1

  • Version 10.4

  • Device meta-data support

  • MindConnect IoT Extension SingleSignOn

MindConnect Edge Analytics

Known issues

  • Note: A full configured monitoring of the Analyzing Packages Vibration Characteristic Values and Vibration Frequency Spectra with all channels of one SM1281 can exceed the CPU performance of the MCN. Also in other scenarios dependent of tasks running in parallel on the MCN, CPU load can get to high. The recommendation is to use only two full configured Vibration Frequency Spectra Analyzing Packages in parallel.

  • Note: A compatibility check, whether the Edge Analytics Engine Version on the target MCN supports all possible types of Analyzing Packages, which are offered by EAM, is not yet done. Therefore it has to be made sure that the newest Firmware Version is installed on the MCN when using the new Analyzing Package Vibration Frequency Spectra, otherwise the Edge Analytics Engine will suspend.