

This chapter provides notes and tips for the configuration of the IoT2040 in your network. The Linux installation is largely identical. But some specific topics for the associated Yocto image must be observed.

Default network configuration

The configuration for installation of the "default image" is shown below.

The standard network configuration of IoT2000 is:

  • X1 P1 LAN (eth0)

    • DHCP: no

    • IP:

    • Subnet mask:

  • X2 P1 LAN (eth1)

    • DHCP: yes

The network configuration is stored at: /etc/network/interfaces

# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)

# The loopback interface

auto lo

iface lo inet loopback

# Wired interfaces

auto eth0

iface eth0 inet static



auto eth1

iface eth1 inet dhcp

Observe the following items for the first access to IoT2040:

  • Port "X1 P1" is configured with the fixed IP address

    • For access from this port, set your IP address in the range -

  • Port "X2 P1" is configured as DHCP

    • For access from this port, interconnect to a network with DHCP server.

    • You must know the IP address of your IoT2040.

Changing the network configuration

Change the "# Wired interfaces" section to "/etc/network/interfaces":

Configure DHCP at a port, e.g. X2 P1 LAN (eth1)

auto eth1

iface eth1 inet dhcp

Configure a static (fixed) IP at a port, e.g. X1 P1 LAN (eth0)

auto eth0

iface eth0 inet static




The "gateway" parameter is optional.


Problems with the network configuration
  • Do not configure both network ports as DHCP!

  • Do not set both network ports as "default" gateways!

  • If there are any problems with the network configuration, try configuring both network ports as static IP addresses!

  • If the network problems cannot be rectified, contact your local network administrator.

Connecting IoT2040

You connect IoT2040 to X1 P1 either with fixed IP address or with DHCP.

X1 P1 with a fixed IP address

The default IP address at port "X1 P1" is "".

  • Connect the computer directly to this port using an Ethernet cable.

  • Set your local IP address in the same subnet, e.g. "".

  • Connect IoT2000 with the default data.

Connecting X2 P1 with DHCP

Port "X2 P1" of the IoT2040 is configured for DHCP.

  • Connect IoT2040 with a DHCP router that provides an IP address.
    This IP address must be known in order to connect Iot2040.

  • Connect IoT2000 with the default data.

User name and password

User name and password are preset:

  • User name: root

  • Password: iot2000

Set the proxy connection

If you require a proxy server for the Internet connection, proceed as described in the next sections. For example, the Internet connection is required to download the packages required for the following steps.

You have two options for adding a proxy connection:

  • Temporary, the connection is valid until the next start

  • Permanent, the connection is retained permanently

The following example is used in the following sections:



Proxy port: 4321

For the implementation in your network, use the current data for your company.


Apache Webserver
  • The Apache Webserver does not accept the settings.

  • You must also add the proxy connection to the Apache configuration.

Temporary proxy connection

The proxy connection is temporary. The connection is valid until the next start or reboot.

The example data is used for the following commands; adapt your inputs with your company data.

  • Proxy:

  • Proxy port: 4321

For the implementation in your network, use the current data for your company.

Company proxy with user authentication

Perform the following commands in PuTTY:

  • export http_proxy=""

  • export https_proxy=""

The following command lists all environment variables; they so allow you to check your settings:

  • export

Ports for the proxy connection

Several listener ports for Apache 80xxx are specified in the current documentation.


Using different ports

If specifications require that you use different ports, this is always possible.

Adapt the proxy port everywhere.

The following settings are valid:

  • /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf

  • /usr/local/apache2/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

  • All settings that you configured, for example, with your SINUMERIK control.

Permanent proxy connection

The proxy connection is permanent and also remains after a warm restart or reboot.

The example data is used for the following commands; adapt your inputs with your company data.

  1. Navigate to the "etc" directory.

  2. Open the "profile" file.

  3. Add the following lines:
    export http_proxy=""
    export https_proxy=""

  4. Add the following line (as penultimate line) at the end of the file:
    "umask 022"

Company proxy with user authentication

If your company proxy requires a user authentication, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the "etc" directory.

  2. Open the "profile" file.

  3. Add the following lines:
    export http_proxy="http://username:password@"
    export https_proxy="https://username:password@"
    Replace "username" with your user name, and "password" with your password.

  4. Add the following line (as penultimate line) at the end of the file:
    "umask 022"

Company proxy error correction

If problems occur with your particular environment:

  • Try to find a solution that works for Linux, in particular in the Yocto project.

Because every company network reacts differently, it is not possible to provide a solution for every situation.