Generating the private key in PuTTY format

PuTTY SSH and the WinSCP client for Microsoft Windows do not use the same key format as the OpenSSH client. For this reason, a new SSH public and private key must be created with the PuTTYgen tool or an existing OpenSSH private key converted.


  1. Download the generated private key from the IoT2040 into the local SINUMERIK control, into the following directory: /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa.

  2. Start the PuTTY Key Generator by double-clicking "PuTTYgen".

  3. The "PuTTY Key Generator" window opens.
    There is still no key.

    • Click "Load" in the "Actions" area.
      Load the file with private key "id_rsa".

  4. The "PuTTYgen Notice" window opens and a message indicates the success of the operation.
    Click "OK".

  5. The "PuTTY Key Generator" window opens.
    The key is displayed.

    • In the "Actions" area, click "Save private key".

  6. The new file, e.g. "id_rsa_PUTTY.ppk", is now created.