Adding users for the Policy

This section provides information on how to configure the rules, after you have created a policy and users.

For procedure on how to create users, refer to section Create Users.


Once a first user is added, the entire section is named "Subjects", where you don't see "Add user" button anymore.

As a service provider, you can add a user and assign required assets to the customer so that the customer has a visibility on what devices he needs.

  1. Select the required policy.

  2. Click on "Add user".


  3. Select the required user and click "Next".


    If user is not available, refer to section Create users.


  4. Click on "Add Rule".


  5. Select the required asset from the list and click "Next".


  6. Provide the name of the rule, else the rule name will be generated automatically if the field is kept empty.

  7. Select the "Propagation Depth" as "All children" and click on "Next".


  8. Select the "action mdsp:core:assetmanagement:asset:write" and "mdsp:core:assetmanagement:asset:read" from "Available Actions" list.


  9. Click on "Save".
    - New policy with specific assets and rule is created.

  10. Click on "Activate".
    - New policy created is now activated and will reflect in the system.
