Configuring the SINUMERIK Edge Application

If you load the Analyze MyMachine /Condition application to the asset using MindSphere, the SINUMERIK Edge application must be configured before you can use the application.


  1. Log into MindSphere and select "App Management".

  2. Click on the desired asset.
    A list opens with the installed services of this asset.

  3. Click on the small arrow to view the details for "analyzemymachinecondition".

  4. Under "Operations", click on the "Edit App Instance Configuration" button.
    "Config Edit" opens.

  5. The standard configuration for "axisid=1" can be found under "datasourceConfig → requiredDatasource → 0 → services → subscription-service/v1 → subscriptions → 0 → datapoints".
    Enter the following values for each axis used by Analyze MyMachine /Condition:

    • DES_POS|[axisId]

    • ENC1_POS|[axisId]

    • ENC2_POS|[axisId]

    • TORQUE|[axisId]

    Example: DES_POS|1

  6. For frequency response tests, enter the name of the network drive under "specificConfig".

    As the default "Field : Value" pair of values, "SambaDrive":"//DEV_5" is stored. Replace value "//DEV_5" with the value of field "Symbolic" of the network drive, which is connected with the Samba Share of SINUMERIK Edge.

    • For SINUMERIK Version 4.5, use value "Path" of the network drive without the Edge name/IP address. For example, path = "//" > //Share".

    • For SINUMERIK Version 4.7 and higher, use network drive "Share name". For example, Share name = "Share" > "//Share

    You will find further information on configuration of the network drive in SINUMERIK Operate in Chapter Configuring file sharing between SINUMERIK Edge and the SINUMERIK control.

  7. Press the "Save" button to save the changes.