Style Guide and specification

To ensure a consistent appearance, your application must comply with the requirements stated in the Operator Cockpit. Specific details of the style guide and specifications can be found in the Operator Cockpit documentation. The Operator Cockpit sets the specifications and requirements for the following areas:

  • Application icon: Your icon is the first way to communicate the benefits of your application. Within MindSphere eco-system your application requires an icon, which is displayed in your Store, websites, Launchpad and more. The design of your application icon must be distinctively different from the design of icons used by MindSphere as part of the Services (e.g. Asset Manager, Fleet Manager).

  • Display name: Every application needs to have a unique display name. The name of the application is important so that potential customers get a clear understanding of what your application offers.

  • Description content: The application description is a short preview of the functionalities. It provides the relevant and specific application information, features and highlights. Within your description the primary selling points should be short, clear and concise.

  • Images

  • Language and countries: The Store is available in multi-languages including Chinese and English. Please refer to homepage of Alibaba Cloud Marketplace for a list of supported languages.