Creating entries for performed maintenance jobs

You can register a maintenance activity that is related to any of the configured monitoring rules.


  1. Open the detail view of a monitoring rule and go to the "Maintenance" tab.

  2. Click "Register maintenance job".

  3. Specify the date and time when the maintenance job was carried out.

  4. Check the checklist with the completed instructions and set the corresponding check marks.

  5. Check the current values of the parameters:

    • If a process value is available within the last 7 days, then the respective field in the "Actual values" will be filled with the last available value at the date and time when the maintenance job was performed.

    • If no measured process value is available for the last 7 days: The process value must be entered manually.

  6. Optional: Upload additional documents, if available (pictures, checklist, etc.).

  7. Optional: Write a comment about the conducted work.

  8. Save the entry.

Authorized roles

Registering performed maintenance is available for the following roles:

  • Application administrators:

  • Depending on the Asset configuration:

    • Maintenance Manufacturer

    • Maintenance Operator

    • Maintenance 3rd party

Effects on monitoring rules of the "interval-based" type

Registering a maintenance job will trigger the following effects for the current status:

  • Overall status of maintenance interval changes to "Not due".

  • Progress bars for each maintenance trigger are reset.

  • Depending on repetition pattern of the interval series:

    • Interval repetition counter is increased (+1).

    • The next interval is started.