Develop and test applications on Developer Plan tenant


  • Check, if the application name is in one single manifest file.

  • Note that a component has to be registered for each of the application names in the manifest file. The component has to match the respective name in the manifest file.

  • Check if the backing services used by your application are defined:

    • In one single manifest file and

    • As components in the "Developer Cockpit".

  • Check if your node.js application

    • is built as release incl. all dependencies

    • the version in the package.json are fix and not variable.
      If the application is configured with variable npm versions, it could happen that there is a difference between the developed and the deployed application. This is considered a change in the code base, which will lead to the rejection of the application within CF/MindSphere.

Prepare for handover to an Operator

  • The manifest should not contain HOST, DOMAIN or ROUTE entries. This are deprecated.

  • Configure the build pack in the manifest file. Auto detection works not in every case

  • Before you pack you Zip-File, check if the PATH entry in the manifest is similar to the Zip-File folder structure.

  • The folder in the Zip-file should only contain application necessary files.

  • We recommend that following Zip-File structure.

    • /
      /component1/application file.jar
      /component2/application files
      /component2/js/java-script files

    • Manifest file should not part of the zip. MindSphere will add it later.

  • Be aware that the operator will deploy the application with the same name. Thus, we recommend using random route in the manifest

  • DNS-entries or hostnames are global unique in cloud foundry. Two applications cannot have the same host name from scratch in different spaces. Your application should not bind to hard coded application names. They will be different if two or more operators using the application.

  • Make a test push with the manifest you will deliver. Mistakes or errors will result that operators cannot deploy the application.

  • Every change in the application must go through developer cockpit.

  • Default memory settings are 256MB for every application. If your application needs more, define it in the manifest.

  • Test your application in developer CF space with MindSphere Gateway registration. Even if it worked on another CF environment.

  • Define the exact endpoints required for the components. If you have more than one component, /** might have negative effects. Thus, we recommend using folders under these endpoints, e.g. /html/** or /carcontroll/*

  • Backing services can be shared through cf spaces. For more information, refer to Sharing Service Instances.


    MindSphere DevOps plan does not supports sharing of backing services.

  • It is not possible to deploy two different applications in one space. Every application uploaded to MindSphere for operator use needs one space.

  • An email notification will be sent to the operator as soon as the application is available for productive use.

Handover to an Operator

Assigning an application to an operator is a three way process.

  1. Assign the application from the Developer tenant to the operator in the "Developer Cockpit".

  2. Operator confirms the handover in the "Operator Cockpit".

  3. Developer grants the handover of the application in the "Developer Cockpit".