207 #endif //MCL_STORE_H_ MCL_EXPORT E_MCL_ERROR_CODE mcl_store_new_time_series(mcl_store_t *store, const char *version, const char *configuration_id, const char *routing, mcl_time_series_t **time_series)
MCL_EXPORT E_MCL_ERROR_CODE mcl_store_destroy(mcl_store_t **store)
struct mcl_data_source_configuration_t mcl_data_source_configuration_t
MCL_EXPORT E_MCL_ERROR_CODE mcl_store_new_event(mcl_store_t *store, const char *version, const char *type, const char *type_version, E_MCL_EVENT_SEVERITY severity, const char *timestamp, mcl_event_t **event)
mcl_size_t(* mcl_stream_data_read_callback_t)(void *destination, void *source, mcl_size_t size, void *user_context)
Stream data read callback function definition.
MCL_EXPORT E_MCL_ERROR_CODE mcl_store_new_data_source_configuration(mcl_store_t *store, const char *version, mcl_data_source_configuration_t **data_source_configuration)
struct mcl_event_t mcl_event_t
This struct is used for building only one message of event.
Data source configuration module interface header file.
MCL Error code definitions. Every function returning an error code uses this enum values...
struct mcl_time_series_t mcl_time_series_t
This struct is used for building the time series type.
struct mcl_custom_data_t mcl_custom_data_t
This struct is used for building the custom data type.
Stream data module interface header file.
struct mcl_store_t mcl_store_t
Event module interface header file.
Custom data module interface header file.
MCL_EXPORT E_MCL_ERROR_CODE mcl_store_initialize(mcl_bool_t streamable, mcl_store_t **store)
MCL_EXPORT E_MCL_ERROR_CODE mcl_store_new_file(mcl_store_t *store, const char *version, const char *file_path, const char *file_name, const char *file_type, const char *routing, mcl_file_t **file)
Json utility module interface header file.
Time series module interface header file.
MCL_EXPORT E_MCL_ERROR_CODE mcl_store_new_custom_data(mcl_store_t *store, const char *version, const char *type, const char *routing, mcl_custom_data_t **custom_data)
struct mcl_stream_data_t mcl_stream_data_t
This struct is used for building the stream data type.
MCL_EXPORT E_MCL_ERROR_CODE mcl_store_new_stream_data(mcl_store_t *store, const char *version, const char *type, const char *routing, mcl_stream_data_read_callback_t stream_data_read_callback, void *user_context, mcl_stream_data_t **stream_data)
struct mcl_file_t mcl_file_t
This struct is used for building the complete message of file.
Severity values for events.