16 #ifndef HTTP_RESPONSE_H_ 17 #define HTTP_RESPONSE_H_ 129 #endif //HTTP_RESPONSE_H_ General Group Name for 1xx Error Codes.
E_MCL_ERROR_CODE http_response_get_header(http_response_t *http_response, char *header_name, string_t **header_value)
Get the value of a specified HTTP Header.
string_array_t * header
Header of http response.
Result code of http response.
General Group Name for 4xx Error Codes.
MCL Error code definitions. Every function returning an error code uses this enum values...
mcl_size_t payload_size
Payload size of http response.
E_MCL_ERROR_CODE http_response_initialize(string_array_t *header, mcl_uint8_t *payload, mcl_size_t payload_size, E_MCL_HTTP_RESULT_CODE result_code, http_response_t **http_response)
HTTP Response Module Initialize function.
E_MCL_HTTP_RESULT_CODE http_response_get_result_code(http_response_t *http_response)
Get the result code of the HTTTP Response.
mcl_uint8_t * http_response_get_payload(http_response_t *http_response)
Get the payload section of the HTTP Response.
void http_response_destroy(http_response_t **http_response)
To destroy the HTTP Response Handler.
General Group Name for 5xx Error Codes.
General Group Name for 3xx Error Codes.
HTTP Result Codes.
String array module header file.
mcl_uint8_t * payload
Payload of http response.
General Group Name for 2xx Error Codes.