18 #ifndef HTTP_PROCESSOR_H_ 19 #define HTTP_PROCESSOR_H_ 215 #endif //HTTP_PROCESSOR_H_
http_client_t * http_client
Http client handler.
http_request_t * request
It is used to build http request messages.
E_MCL_ERROR_CODE http_processor_update_security_information(http_processor_t *http_processor)
configuration_t * configuration
Configuration for mcl initialization.
E_MCL_ERROR_CODE previous_result
Previous result of callback.
Store module header file.
mcl_uint8_t call_count
Call count of stream callback.
MCL Error code definitions. Every function returning an error code uses this enum values...
E_MCL_ERROR_CODE http_processor_stream(http_processor_t *http_processor, store_t *store, void **reserved)
Exchange operation logic with streaming.
mcl_size_t total_size
Total size of raw data context.
HTTP Client Handler definition. Members are implementation specific and are declared in implementatio...
E_MCL_ERROR_CODE http_processor_register(http_processor_t *http_processor)
void http_processor_destroy(http_processor_t **http_processor)
To destroy the HTTP Processor Handler.
E_MCL_ERROR_CODE http_processor_initialize(configuration_t *configuration, http_processor_t **http_processor)
Http Processor Initialize function.
store_t * store
Holds references to data to exchange.
mcl_size_t last_index
Last index of raw data context.
Handle struct for security_handler module.
E_MCL_ERROR_CODE http_processor_exchange(http_processor_t *http_processor, store_t *store, void **reserved)
Exchange operation logic.
E_MCL_ERROR_CODE http_processor_get_access_token(http_processor_t *http_processor)
security_handler_t * security_handler
Security handler.
http_processor_t * http_processor
Http processer handle.
Event list module header file.
HTTP client module header file.
Security handler module header file.