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Agent Management Java 客户端


Agent Management Java 客户端允许您上线、下线、更新和删除代理。可提供连接功能,实现与 MindSphere 平台的通信。

有关该服务的更多信息,请参见 Agent Management


在 IoT 环境中,assetsentityaspectspropertyset。以下代码样本根据使用的 APIs 在这些术语中转换。
以下示例中的占位符由尖括号< >表示。




基本 Agent Management


// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object
AgentOperationsClient agents_client = AgentOperationsClient.builder()

Agent agent = null;
try {
  agent = agents_client.createAgent(<agent_input>);
}catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

使用 SHARED_SECRET 安全配置文件创建代理

// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above

Agent agent = null;
try {
  agent = agents_client.createAgentWithSharedSecret(<entity_id>, <agent_name>);
}catch (MindsphereException e) {
 // Exception handling

使用 RSA 安全配置文件创建代理

// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
Agent agent = null;
try {
  agent = agents_client.createAgentWithRSA(<entity_id>, <agent_name>);
}catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling



// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.getAllAgents(<filter>, <size>, <page>, <sort>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

通过 ID 获取代理

// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
Agent agent = null;

try {
  agent = agents_client.getAgentByID(<agent_id>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
Agent agent = null;

try {
  agent = agents_client.updateAgent(<agent_id>, <agent_update>, <ifMatch>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
try {
  agents_client.deleteAgent(<agent_id>, <ifMatch>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
OnlineStatus online_status = null;

try {
  online_status = agents_client.getAgentOnlineStatus(<agent_id>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling



// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.filterAgentsByName(<filter_name>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling



// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.filterAgentsByNameIn(<filter_name_1>, <filter_name_2>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling



// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.filterAgentsByNameInDescendingOrder(<filter_name>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.filterAgentsByNameStartsWith(<filter_string>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.filterAgentsByNameEndsWith(<filter_string>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.filterAgentsByNameContains(<filter_string>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

获取具有特定 ID 的代理

// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.filterAgentsByAgentId(<filter_id>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

从列表中获取具有 ID 的代理

获取具有任一特定 ID 的代理的列表。

// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.filterAgentsByIdIn(<filter_id_1>,<filter_id_2>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

获取 ID 以特定字符串开头的代理

// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.filterAgentsByIdStartsWith(<filter_string>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

获取 ID 以特定字符串结尾的代理

// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.filterAgentsByIdEndsWith(<filter_string>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

获取 ID 中包含特定字符串的代理

// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.filterAgentsByIdContains(<filter_string>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling



// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.sortAgentsByName();
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.sortAgentsByNameDescendening();
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

获取按 ID 排序的代理

// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.sortAgentsById();
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

获取按 ID 降序排序的代理

// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.sortAgentsByIdDescendening();
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

获取按实体 ID 排序的代理

// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.sortAgentsByEntityId();
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

获取按实体 ID 降序排序的代理

// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.sortAgentsByEntityIdDescendening();
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.sortAgentsBySecurityProfile();
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


// Construct the AgentOperationsClient object as shown above
AgentsList agents_list = null;

try {
  agents_list = agents_client.sortAgentsBySecurityProfileDescendening();
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


代理默认设置客户端用于获取 RSA 配置文件的访问令牌、客户端声明和密钥。



访问令牌用于访问 MindSphere 服务。可以通过以下方式获取访问令牌:

  1. 创建代理、使代理上线及获取访问令牌。

    // Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object
    AgentsDefaultSettingClient agents_default_setting_client = AgentsDefaultSettingClient.builder()
    CreatedObjects created_objects = null;
    try {
      created_objects = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessToken(<entity_id>);
    }catch (MindsphereException e) {
      // Exception handling
  2. 创建具有指定 asset ID、名称和安全配置文件的代理。使代理上线并获取访问令牌。

    // Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
    CreatedObjects created_objects = null;
    try {
      created_objects = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessToken(<entity_id>, <agent_name>, <profile>);
    }catch (MindsphereException e) {
      // Exception handling
  3. 创建具有指定 asset ID 和名称的代理,使代理上线并获取访问令牌。

    // Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
    CreatedObjects created_objects = null;
    try {
      created_objects = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessToken(<entity_id>, <agent_name>);
    }catch (MindsphereException e) {
      // Exception handling

获取具有 SHARED_SECRET 的访问令牌

可以通过以下方式获取采用 SHARED_SECRET 安全配置文件的访问令牌:

  1. 创建采用 SHARED_SECRET 安全配置文件的代理,使代理上线并获取访问令牌。

    // Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
    CreatedObjects created_objects = null;
    try {
      created_objects = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessTokenWithSharedSecret();
    }catch (MindsphereException e) {
      // Exception handling
  2. 为指定租户创建采用 SHARED_SECRET 安全配置文件的代理,使代理上线并获取访问令牌。

    // Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
    CreatedObjects created_objects = null;
    try {
      created_objects = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessTokenWithSharedSecret(<tenant_id>);
    }catch (MindsphereException e) {
      // Exception handling

获取采用 RSA 的访问令牌

可以通过以下方式获取采用 RSA 安全配置文件的访问令牌:

  1. 创建采用 RSA 安全配置文件的代理,使代理上线并获取访问令牌。

    // Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
    CreatedObjects created_objects = null;
    try {
      created_objects = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessTokenWithRSA();
    }catch (MindsphereException e) {
      // Exception handling
  2. 为指定租户创建采用 RSA 安全配置文件的代理,使代理上线并获取访问令牌。

    // Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
    CreatedObjects created_objects = null;
    try {
      created_objects = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessTokenWithRSA(<tenant_id>);
    }catch (MindsphereException e) {
      // Exception handling

获取 Asset 的访问令牌

可以通过以下方式获取 asset 的访问令牌:

  1. 为指定 asset ID 创建代理,使代理上线并获取访问令牌。

    // Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
    CreatedObjects created_objects = null;
    try {
      created_objects = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessTokenForEntity(<entity_id>);
    }catch (MindsphereException e) {
      // Exception handling
  2. 为指定 asset ID 和租户创建代理,使代理上线并获取访问令牌。

    // Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
    CreatedObjects created_objects = null;
    try {
      created_objects = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessTokenForEntity(<entity_id>, <tenant_id>);
    }catch (MindsphereException e) {
      // Exception handling

获取某个 Asset Type 的访问令牌

可以通过以下方式获取 asset type 的访问令牌:

  1. 为指定 asset type 创建代理,使代理上线并获取访问令牌。

    // Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
    CreatedObjects created_objects = null;
    try {
      created_objects = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessTokenForAssetType(<asset_type_id>);
    }catch (MindsphereException e) {
      // Exception handling
  2. 为指定 asset type 和父 ID 创建代理,使代理上线并获取访问令牌。

    // Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
    CreatedObjects created_objects = null;
    try {
      created_objects = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessTokenForAssetType(<asset_type_id>, <asset_parent_id>);
    }catch (MindsphereException e) {
      // Exception handling
  3. 为指定 asset type、父 ID 和租户创建代理。使代理上线并获取访问令牌。

    // Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
    CreatedObjects created_objects = null;
    try {
      created_objects = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessTokenForAssetType(<tenant_id>, <asset_type_id>, <asset_parent_id>);
    }catch (MindsphereException e) {
      // Exception handling



  1. 使代理上线并获取访问令牌。

    // Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
    CreatedObjects created_objects = null;
    try {
      created_objects = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessTokenForAgent(<agent_id>);
    }catch (MindsphereException e) {
      // Exception handling
  2. 使指定租户的代理上线并获取访问令牌。

    // Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
    CreatedObjects created_objects = null;
    try {
      created_objects = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessTokenForAgent(<agent_id>, <tenant_id>);
    }catch (MindsphereException e) {
      // Exception handling



// Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
CreatedObjects created_objects = null;
try {
  created_objects = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessTokenWithOnBoardingConfig(<boarding_config>);
}catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


可以通过 BoardingOperationsClient.getBoardingConfiguration(agentId) 检索 boardingConfig 对象。

当状态为 ONBOARDING 时,获取访问令牌

当代理状态为 ONBOARDING 时,使代理上线并获取访问令牌。

// Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
CreatedObjects created_objects = null;
try {
  created_objects = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessTokenDuringStatusOnBoarding(<agent_id>);
}catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

采用 SHARED_SECRET 的代理上线后,获取访问令牌

当采用 SHARED_SECRET 安全配置文件的代理状态为 ONBOARDED 时,获取访问令牌。

// Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
AccessToken access_token = null;
try {
  access_token = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessTokenAfterOnBoardedWithSharedSecret(<agent_id>, <tenant>, <client_secret>);
}catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


可以通过 RegistrationOperationsClient.onBoardAgent() 检索 clientSecret 字符串。



// Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
AccessToken access_token = null;
try {
  access_token = agents_default_setting_client.getAccessTokenFromClientAssertion(<client_assertion>);
}catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


可以通过 agentsDefaultSettingClient.getClientAssertionForSharedSecret()agentsDefaultSettingClient.getClientAssertionForRSA() 检索 clientAssertion 字符串。

获取 RSA 密钥

为采用 RSA 安全配置文件的代理生成公钥和私钥。

// Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
JWKModel model = null;
try {
  model = agents_default_setting_client.getKeysForRSAProfile();
}catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


为采用 SHARED_SECRET 安全配置文件的代理生成客户端声明。

// Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
String client_assertion = null;
try {
  client_assertion = agents_default_setting_client.getClientAssertionForSharedSecret(<agent_id>, <tenant>, <client_secret>);
}catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

获取 RSA 客户端声明

为采用 RSA 安全配置文件的代理生成客户端声明。

// Construct the AgentsDefaultSettingClient object as shown above
String client_assertion = null;
try {
  client_assertion = agents_default_setting_client.getClientAssertionForRSAProfile(<agent_id>, <tenant>);
}catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling





获取具有指定 ID 的代理的数据源配置。

// Construct the DataSourceConfigurationOperationsClient object
DataSourceConfigurationOperationsClient data_source_configuration_client = DataSourceConfigurationOperationsClient.builder()

DataSourceConfiguration data_source_configuration_client = null;
try {
  data_source_configuration = data_source_configuration_client.getDataSourceConfiguration(<agent_id>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


为具有指定 ID 的代理创建数据源配置。

// Construct the DataSourceConfigurationOperationsClient object as shown above
//Create a DataSource object
DataSource data_sources_item = new DataSource();
data_sources_item.setDataPoints(<data_points>) {
data_sources_item.customData(<custom_data>) {

//Create a DataSourceConfigurationInput object
DataSourceConfigurationInput configuration = new DataSourceConfigurationInput();

DataSourceConfiguration data_source_configuration = null;

try {
  data_source_configuration = data_source_configuration_client.createDataSourceConfiguration(<agent_id>, configuration);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


更新具有指定 ID 的代理的数据源配置。

// Construct the DataSourceConfigurationOperationsClient object as shown above
DataSourceConfiguration data_source_configuration = null;

try {
  data_source_configuration = data_source_configuration_client.updateDataSourceConfiguration(<agent_id>, <configuration>, <ifMatch>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling





获取具有指定 ID 的代理的上线配置。

// Construct the BoardingOperationsClient object
BoardingOperationsClient boarding_client = BoardingOperationsClient.builder()

BoardingConfiguration boarding_configuration = null;
try {
  boarding_configuration = boarding_client.getBoardingConfiguration(<agent_id>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


使具有指定 ID 的代理下线。

// Construct the BoardingOperationsClient object as shown above
OnboardingStatus onboarding_status = null;

try {
  onboarding_status = boarding_client.offBoard(<agent_id>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


获取具有指定 ID 的代理的上线状态。

// Construct the BoardingOperationsClient object as shown above
OnboardingStatus onboarding_status = null;

try {
  onboarding_status = boarding_client.getBoardingStatus(<agent_id>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling






// Construct the RegistrationOperationsClient object
RegistrationOperationsClient registration_client = RegistrationOperationsClient.builder()

ClientIdentifier client_identifier = null;
try {
  client_identifier = registration_client.onBoardAgent(<initial_access_token>, <keys>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {


可以通过 BoardingOperationsClient.getBoardingConfiguration(agentId) 获取 initialAccessToken 字符串。

注册采用 SHARED_SECRET 安全配置文件的代理

// Construct the RegistrationOperationsClient object
ClientIdentifier client_identifier = null;
try {
  client_identifier = registration_client.onBoardAgentWithSharedSecretProfile(<initial_access_token>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {

注册采用 RSA 安全配置文件的代理

// Construct the RegistrationOperationsClient object
ClientIdentifier client_identifier = null;
try {
  client_identifier = registration_client.onBoardAgentWithRSAProfile(<initial_access_token>, <keys>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

更新 SHARED_SECRET 安全配置文件的客户端信息

更新具有指定 ID 的客户端的客户端信息。

// Construct the RegistrationOperationsClient object
ClientIdentifier client_identifier = null;

try {
  client_identifier = registration_client.rotateKeysForSharedSecret(<registration_access_token>, <client_id>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

更新 RSA 安全配置文件的客户端信息

更新具有指定 ID 的客户端的客户端信息。

// Construct the RegistrationOperationsClient object
ClientIdentifier client_identifier = null;
try {
  client_identifier = registration_client.rotateKeysForRSA(<registration_access_token>, <client_id>, <keys>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling


令牌客户端用于获取访问令牌和 OAuth 服务器的密钥信息。




// Construct the TokenOperationsClient object
TokenOperationsClient access_token_client = TokenOperationsClient.builder()

AccessToken access_token = null;
try {
  access_token = access_token_client.getAccessToken(<grant_type>, <client_assertion_type>, <client_assertion>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

提供 OAuth 服务器的密钥信息

提供 OAuth 服务器的密钥信息。

// Construct the TokenOperationsClient object as shown above
TokenKey token_key = null;
try {
  token_key = access_token_client.getPublicKeyFromServer(<ifNoneMatch>);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
  // Exception handling

Last update: June 23, 2023