Description of the method

Digitalization of the problem solving process

Collaboration Board is a user-friendly, wizard-based app that simplifies problem definition, identification and root cause determination.

You define possible solutions and follow-up tasks in just a few steps. The application works in the environment of the cloud-based, open IoT operating system, MindSphere.

The advantages of the digitalized problem solving process include:

  • Shorter clarification processes

  • Efficient problem solving cycles

  • Better exchange of knowledge

  • Analysis of accumulated problems and their solutions

The following figure shows individual steps in solving the problem:


① Describe the problem

You search the database of events and determine if it is a known problem with the tested solution.

You describe the problem.

You collect potential causes.

You archive the digital A3 report.

② Assess a problem in the team

The experts identify and record possible causes. Depending on the assessment of importance and estimated effectiveness, the team proposes appropriate solutions.

③ Determine measures

You determine concrete measures based on the selected causes.

④ Manage follow-up tasks

You manage the follow-up tasks. If the implemented tasks are not successful, you determine another variant of the tasks.

⑤ Retrieve machine data

You retrieve the machine data from production via MindSphere, if available. This allows you to shorten the search for the cause considerably.


A "Tenant" represents a real organization. The tenant includes properties such as users, data, assets and entities.


A "Subtenant" is a specific limited resource of a tenant. A "Subtenant" represents a part of the real organization. The subtenant is also used to assign and access apps. You can only create one level of subtenants.

Ishikawa diagram

The Ishikawa diagram is the most popular form of presentation for problem solving, as it clearly shows cause and effect relationships. The form of the diagram looks like the bones of a fish, hence the often used name, fishbone diagram.

Using the diagram has the following advantages:

  • Detailed collection of causes for problems

  • Representation of the interdependencies of problems

  • Clear graphical representation

  • Method for the visual development of causes in the team

  • Sensible structuring of processes

Possible causes are located on the main branches of the diagram. Possible categories of causes are provided for orientation.

Collaboration Board App uses categorization according to the 5M method:

  • Person

  • Material

  • Machine

  • Environment

  • Methods

A decision-making process even more efficient is achieved if important data from production is available from MindSphere via standard interfaces.

You select the most probable causes from the collected points.

5-Whys method

If you expect a single cause, you can use this simpler method instead of the Ishikawa diagram.

You determine the root cause of an error or problem by repeating the question "Why?" Each answer forms the basis for the next question.

The number of questions is not limited to 5.