Update an application's publication

Once your application is published, you can manage the published information via the Operator Cockpit within the system of the applications lifecycle. The Operator Cockpit supports you through every step to manage the publication of your applications, including the updating process.

Use the Operator Cockpit to manage the following steps and options inside the lifecycle process:

  • Updates: You can always update your existing version of the publication.

  • Manage your listings: The Operator Cockpit provides a functionality to track the publishing process and a listing of all provided applications that are published on the MindSphere Store.

  • Timing and expectations: When updating your application, the same timing and expectations from the initial publishing process applies.

The limit for free updates is pre-determined and varies case-by-case. Please refer to your MindAccess Operator Plan.

Changes warrant a new publishing request. Some of the most common changes may include:

  • Pricing updates

  • Display name

  • New versions

  • Description