Timing and expectations

We strive to handle your request to publish your application in the MindSphere Store as soon as possible. This timeline begins as soon as you submit your publication information in the Operator Cockpit. The following points serve as a reference for the duration of the process:

  • The timing to fulfill publications requests can vary on complexity, creation and review time by you and MindSphere team.

  • The MindSphere and Store teams aim to complete the publishing process in a timely manner. It usually takes 7-10 business days to complete the Store publishing. The creation process includes the following steps:

    • MindSphere and Store teams receive and review the request for publication.

    • Store team creates the application publication page.

    • Store team submits the publication page for your approval to publish.

  • After your approval of the publication page, it usually takes 5-7 business days for the application to appear in the MindSphere Store.

  • Time dependencies are based on the complexity of the products, such as the number of iterations and adjustments during the publishing process, and the number of local websites the publication will be available on.

  • Your response time for approvals are not accounted for in the time ranges above.

  • Other unforeseen factors may impact the timeline as well.