MindAccess Developer Plan Subscribers

Asset Management API

What's new?

  • Stability and security enhancements

Data Flow Engine

Known issues

  • Sporadically streams cannot be deleted. Please try again if it was unsuccessful.

  • If an entity is derived from type core.basicdevice only one stream can be deployed.

Developer Cockpit

Known issues:

  • Layout issues in Internet Explorer 11 in combination with high resolution displays and 125% font scaling

  • Layout issue on assignment page for promoted applications when assigning an application to more than five operators

  • Applications cannot be deleted after being transfering them to the production system

  • Redirect to Launchpad after session expiry failes in rare cases when Developer and/or DeveloperAdmin role has been removed

Event Management

What's new?

  • Physical delete of events is now supported

Identity and Access Management

Known issues

  • Inviting a user via User Management UI or Identity Management service sporadically fails and will sometimes return an internal error. Please try again to invite the user.

  • After modifying the authorization of a User via Identity Management Service, the change is not immediately visible. The User must then close the browser and login again.

  • When you logged in via CES authentification in some cases it might happen that the logout fails. In this case please close the browser without logging out.

Additional information about Identity Management

  • Tenant administrators can activate or deactivate Multifactor Authentifications (MFA)

  • Siemens customers can use Corporate Entitlement Service.

In both case please write a mail to provisioning@mindsphere.io with the following content:  

  • Subject: Activation of MFA for tenants

    Dear MindSphere Provisioning Team

    Please set the authentication method for the tenant given below to the authentication method given below.

    Available authentication methods:

    Username/password via WebKey (default)

    Multi-factor authentication (MFA) via WebKey

    Multi-factor authentication (MFA) via WebKey via Corporate Entitlement Service (only for Siemens BUs)

Tenant name: <your tenant name here>

Authentication method: <option: 1, 2, or 3>

Notification Service


  • Notification Service API's are available for utilisation by Developer and Operator tenants Only. Third Party Applications can implement Notification Services via a Technical User only. Notification Service specific roles/groups will not be explicitly available in Developer Cockpit Application for Third Party App implementation.


Email and Push notifications shall not be used for time sensitive applications as MindSphere does not own the total chain of communication.