MindApp Subscribers

Predictive Learning

What's new?

  • Adding logistic regression as an Out-of-Box analytics solution for users. Logistic regression is used mostly to predict or explain a binary target / dependent variable (such as Y/N).

  • Enabling admin users to delete and enable/disable environment controller configurations for the entire tenant.

Product Intelligence 

What's new?

  • Adding to Analytics Discovery Details page the ability to drill down to Search  from charts.

  • Adding API for deleting data sources.

  • Adding action bar feature to Search for cross-platform consistency in the user experience (UX).

  • Adding aggregation option to export feature in Analytics and adding group by date and column updates based on user's group by field and series selections.

  • New Computation Function page in KPI Modeling.

  • New External Data feature enabling users to bring external data sources into Product Intelligence.

  • Adding join functionality to External Data, allowing users to perform joins between internal, external, and External Data join-produced datasets.

  • New execution time column added to Manage Analytics, displaying the time it takes for an analysis to run.

  • Adding the ability for users to specify upper and lower limits for computations in Analytics filter control panel.

  • Adding the option to select aggregated results in the export dialog for a Parametric Summary report.

  • Infrastructure upgrade. 

Fixed issues

  • Adding column filtering in parametric summary drill down.

  • Export column defaults do not save in the correct order.

  • Error message received when attempting to delete a workbook that did not complete.

  • Status is blank instead displaying "failed" for workbooks that do not complete.

  • The Action button for drilling down displays (but should not) for forecast rows in Comparison Analyses.

  • Workbooks created by Tableau aggregated data exports are unable to connect to their data source.

  • Switching tenants between staging and production environments is not working correctly.

  • Analytics Bulk Exports are failing.