MindAccess Developer Plan Subscribers and MindAccess Operator Plan Subscribers


The following Release Notes are valid only for region China 1.

Asset Management Service

What's new?

  • Locality and asset type fields support chinese characters as of now

  • Support below Asset Types/ Aspect Types

    • Asset Type of BasicAgent.IndustrialEdge/ BasicAgent.MindConnectFB1500/ BasicAgent.MindConnect X509/ BasicApplication.EdgeBasicApplication/ Basic Edge Data Asset.Edge Analytics Data Asset/ OPCUADataModel/ OPCUADataType/ OPCUAHierarchyDataType

    • Aspect Type of ConnectivityStatus/ core.edgeanalyticsapplicationstatus/ core.edgeanalyticsdatastatus/ FirmwareStatus/ core.opcuadatamodelaspect

Fixed issues:

  • Asset Management API responds with an appropriate error when the maximum size of an aspect is exceeded

IoT and Storage Services: File Service

Known issues

  • For security reasons a strict timeout is enforced. Currently, this leads to the situation that the size of a file which can be uploaded/ downloaded depends on the network bandwidth at client side.

  • When uploading files to the File Service, a file name must not contain blank spaces. Blank spaces in the file name will prevent the file form being stored.

  • After deleting an asset, associated files might still be accessible for up to 30 minutes as this data is deleted asynchronously.

IoT and Storage Services: Time Series Service

What's new?

  • The Time Series API now supports an optional "sort" parameter when reading time series data that allows clients to define how the response shall be sorted by timestamps. The parameter accepts either "asc" or "desc" as possible values. If the parameter is not used, the response is sorted in ascending order by timestamp.

  • Standard Deviation are now included in Time Series Aggregates for performance assets.

Known issues:

  • The maximum payload size of a message sent to time series service as part of a PUT request cannot exceed 1 MB.

  • The service will never return more than 2000 records in a response

  • After deleting an Asset, respective Time Series data might still be accessible for up to 30 minutes as this data is deleted asynchrounously.

  • When creating or updating an Aspect it might take up to 30 minutes until aggregated data can be read for this Aspect. Writing data or reading raw data is possible immediately.

Currently not available in China 1

  • Time Series Bulk Service APIs