IoT Value Plan Subscribers, MindAccess Developer Plan Subscribers and MindAccess Operator Plan Subscribers


The following Release Notes are valid only for region China 1.

Asset Manger

What's new?

  • Modbus protocol for MindConnect Nano/ IoT2040 data source configuration is now available.

Known issues

  • Currently it is possible to use a variable name equal to the aspect name which leads to errors for example in the Fleet Manager. The input of such a value will be prevented soon.

  • It's not possible to input name of city in Chinese when creating an asset in Asset Manager, only alphanumeric characters are accepted.

Currently not available in China 1:

  • Asset Type of BasicAgent.MindConnectFB1500/ BasicAgent.MindConnect Integration/ BasicApplication/ Basic Edge Data Asset

  • Aspect Type of core.edgeanalyticsapplicationstatus/ core.edgeanalyticsdatastatus/ core.opcuadatamodelaspect

  • Static aspect configuration

  • Fleet Manager navigation

  • Time-Series Status

  • New Validation of same name for variable and aspect

  • Plugin-Header Styling adaptions

  • Image Browser

Fleet Manager Rules

Currently not available in China 1:

  • The asset status automatically corresponds to the event severity.

Fleet Manager

What's new?

  • Amap overseas map service is available in region China 1. It displays grid map of assets outside China and zooms in to country-district-street information.

  • Variables of type BIG_STRING are also shown in data table

  • Quick range for "last hour" within time picker (in this time range raw data will be shown in the chart)

  • User settings save now the last used hierarchy level

  • Search supports now asset ID

  • Improved asset status - user can easily detect assets with issues in the past

  • Added support for auto refresh in time picker

  • Optimized performance to acknowledge events

  • Optimized loading of events and files

  • Added support to receive instant agent diagnostic within info extension (currently limited to 5 concurrently activated agent diagnostics)

Currently not available in China 1:

  • Fleet Manager plugin support

  • Fleet Manager plugin SDK

  • Asset Manager navigation


Known issues

  • If a user has only app roles but no standard role, the user will see no apps on the Launchpad and gets an information about missing roles

OS Bar

What's new?

  • The support form can be used by any user who has not the role "mdsp:core:SubTenantUser".

  • OS Bar shows MindSphere maintenance notifications.

  • Two versions of the OS Bar (V3.9.0 & V4.1.2) are now provided. (Note: It is highly recommended to use 4.1.2 as soon as possible)

Version 4.1.2.

  • Three additional drop-down menus provide information for:

– the current tenant (e.g. company name, logo, custom links)

– the currently opened app (e.g. info from app developer and app operator)

– MindSphere as a platform (e.g. support links, status page, MindSphere Store, third party info)

  • Logout button is displayed in every app that integrates the newest OS-Bar version (4.1.2).


What's new?

  • New section "Basic information" in the Provider information menu with the following functions:
    – Upload of a company logo
    – Update possibility of the company name to display it accordingly in the OS Bar.

Known issues

  • Tenant Admin can see core MindSphere roles in the "Available roles" assignment of a subtenant user and can assign the roles to the user.

  • Tenant Admin can see subtenant users in the "Available users" assignment of a core MindSphere role and can assign the subtenant users to the role.

  • All the two issues above will be fixed in the next release and all the assignments would be removed in the new release.

Currently not available in China 1:

  • New assignment component for user assignment for subtenants

  • User Groups:

1. Assign roles to a group of user(s):

– Create a user group

– Assign multiple users to a user group

– Add roles to the user group

2. User groups management:

– Update a user group

– Delete a user group

– Assign roles and users to user groups (in any direction)

Subtenant Functionality

Known issues

  • Applications can use the subtenant functionality via the provided APIs. Tenant administrators should pay attention when assigning such apps to subtenant users as subtenant isolation cannot be ensured by the platform. The app might expose data to the user that is not intended to be seen.

  • When moving an asset from a parent tenant to a subtenant, there might be a delay of up to 30 minutes until a subtenant user will be able to see data related to that asset.

  • Please be aware, if you provide a user (even subtenant user) the role "mdsp:core:TenantAdmin", this user is then able to get access to all kinds of tenant data.

Usage Transparency Service

Known issues

  • Time used for usage information storage and displayed on UTS UI is only using UTC time zone, not depending on the time zone of the region.

  • All usages generated within a Cloud Foundry Environment cannot be collected by Usage Transparency Services. All usages from and to a Cloud Foundry Environment e.g. requests to APIs still will be collected.

  • Usage Transparency Service reports are only available after a 1-hour delay for developers.

Currently not available in China 1:

  • Two data points (columns) under the resource tab "Assets":

– Asset ID Unique identification ID of the asset.
– Asset Name Unique name of the asset. This column value is empty if "Asset Name" is not mentioned for an associated "Asset ID" in the Entity Master Data Service (EMDS).

Visual Analyzer

Known issues

  • If you receive an empty white page while loading, please refresh the browser with F5. For better experience use Google Chrome.

  • Variables of type BIG_STRING are also shown in data table.