IoT Value Plan Subscribers, MindAccess Developer Plan Subscribers and MindAccess Operator Plan Subscribers

Asset Manager

What's new?

  • You can assign images to Asset Types.

Data Exploration built on Tableau®

Fixed issues

  • For an asset instance, only the aspects from the asset type of that asset instance are considered, not all aspects added throughout the type hierarchy. Now all aspects throughout the type hierarchy are shown and can be used.

Known issues

  • The offering is optimized for up to 10 asset data exports.

  • The aggregation methods mintime, maxtime, firsttime, lasttime cannot be used.

Fleet Manager

What's new?

  • Styling changed to official MindSphere Design.

Fixed issues

  • The performance has been improved.

  • Fleet Manager offers an optimized slider handling.

  • User settings extended to save slider position.

  • Optimized autoscaling in aspect charts.

Fleet Manager Rules

What's new?

  • Now supporting rules for more than one variable.

  • Checkbox for actions instead of dropdown box.

Fixed issues

  • Wrong result for hysteresis and "not equal" condition fixed.

  • Debouncing can not be activated for "on change" condition.

Identity and Access Management

Known issues

  • Inviting a user via User Management UI or Identity Management service sporadically fails and will sometimes return an internal error. Please try again to invite the user.

  • After modifying the authorization of a User via Identity Management Service, the change is not immediately visible. The User must then close the browser and login again.

  • When you logged in via CES authentication in some cases it might happen that the logout fails. In this case please close the browser without logging out

Additional information about Identity Management

  • Tenant administrators can activate or deactivate Multifactor Authentifications (MFA)

  • Siemens customers can use Corporate Entitlement Service.

In both case please write a mail to with the following content:  

  • Subject: Activation of MFA for tenants

    Dear MindSphere Provisioning Team

    Please set the authentication method for the tenant given below to the authentication method given below.

    Available authentication methods:

    Username/password via WebKey (default)

    Multi-factor authentication (MFA) via WebKey

    Multi-factor authentication (MFA) via WebKey via Corporate Entitlement Service (only for Siemens BUs)

Tenant name: <your tenant name here>

Authentication method: <option: 1, 2, or 3>

MindConnect IoT Extension

What's new?

  • Direct interface from IoT Extension to MindSphere including new data mapping functionality.

Fixed issues

  • MindConnect IoT Extension OS Bar shows 404 error when hitting Launchpad button is corrected.

OS Bar

What's new?

  • New Design: Question-Mark-icon replaced by "MindSphere" label, which can be clicked in Launchpad and shows beside Platform standard information also Tenant Provider information if configured.

User Management

What's new?

  • Configuration of Tenant Provider Information: It is possible to configure the Tenant provider information, which will be shown in the MindSphere OS Bar and will replace some of the standard information there.

Visual Analyzer

What's new?

  • Visual Analyzer is now available.

  • You can find more information about Visual Analyzer in the MindSphere Store.

Visual Explorer

What's new?

  • Visual Explorer is an entirely new offering.

  • The offering is limited to selected customers only. There will be a global availability of this offering soon. If you have questions, please get in touch with your sales representative.

Known issues

  • Workbooks are currently not included in backed-ups. However, the underlying data is always kept in MindSphere and can be restored.

Visual Flow Creator

What's new?

  • Additional roles available: Admin and Viewer role. The admin can change the workflows of other users within a tenant. The viewer can only view all tenant flows 

  • The quota for the execution of workflows was improved.

  • New nodes: 

    • read files: sends the file contents as a message (only for non-binary files).

    • list files: Sends the file list of an asset as an array.

    • write files: Writes the received message to a file.

    • http in / http response: HTTP in and HTTP out can be used to create a flow, which is enabled by sending an HTTP request to a provided endpoint. The endpoint is shown in the dialog of the HTTP IN node. The flow which is triggered has to be closed with an HTTP out node (that means: The last message of the flow is received by the HTTP OUT node). The HTTP out node finishes the HTTP request and sends the received message as a response to the caller. Note that a valid user token has to be provided! The created HTTP endpoint does not work without that token.

    • Delay: The delay node provides two operational modes:

  • Delay each message: resends every received message at a later time (fixed or random), that can be configured either in the dialog or by setting the property msg.delay (in seconds).

  • Rate limit: lets you limit the number of messages that are send through the delay node. If more messages are sent, these can be dropped or cached (up to 50 messages). The cached messages will be sent with a fixed interval, that is configured in the dialog.

    • Array nodes: These nodes represent filter, map, find and reduce methods of JavaScript array. The user has to provide some code, which will be used by nodes.

  • Filter node will return a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.

  • Map node will return a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.

  • Find node will return the value of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function. Otherwise undefined is returned.

  • Reduce node will apply a function against an accumulator and each element in the array (from left to right) to reduce it to a single value.

  • Improved nodes:

    • generate node: Very easy creation of basic signals. There are several  types of signal available and parameters to control amplitude, frequency, etc.

    • Read timeseries node: More than one variable can be selected.

    • Inject node: timezone possibilities improved.