MindAccess Developer Plan Subscribers and MindAccess Operator Plan Subscribers

Cloud Foundry

Known issues

  • Upgrading single Backing Services instances to clustered instances is currently not possible.

Additional Information

IoT and Storage Services: File Service

Known issues

  • For security reasons a strict timeout is enforced. Currently this leads to the situation that the size of a file which can be uploaded/ downloaded depends on the network bandwidth at client side.

  • When uploading files to the File Service, a file name must not contain blank spaces. Blank spaces in the file name will prevent the file form being stored.

IoT and Storage Services: Time Series Service

Known issues

  • When sending time series data to a non-existing entity, the service returns a 500 error code instead of a 404 error code.

  • The maximum payload size of a message sent to time series service as part of a PUT request cannot exceed 1 MB.

  • The service will never return more than 2000 records in a response.

  • When creating or updating Aspects on an Asset, it might take some time (up to 30 minutes) until this Aspect or respective changes are available on the Time Series Service. The service returns a 404 (Not Found) as long as the changes are not completely propagated.