MindAccess Operator Plan Subscribers


The following Release Notes are valid only for region China 1.

Operator Cockpit

Known issues

  • If you download application binaries during manual deployment the progress bar of the download progress of the Operator Cockpit is temporary disabled. The download will be executed but without a feedback of the progress in the Operator Cockpit. Look into your download folder to find the application binaries.

  • Limitations for applications that use "Technical Token Manager API"

    • You cannot use zero downtime upgrade for applications that use "Technical Token Manager API", if the previous version of this application did not use "Technical Token Manager API".

  • Limitations for update of Cloud Foundry applications:

    • The service instance names for each service should be same in the current and new version of the application. If the service instance names are different in the new version and the existing version of an application, then the existing service instances will not be readily available even after zero-downtime version upgrade.

    • During manual deployment of a new version of an application, do not use the same component names as available in the existing version. This might create name conflicts and usability issues. In order to avoid such conflicts, while deploying a new version of an application, append green at the end of the component name.

  • For every individual (single) application, one Cloud Foundry space must be deployed.

  • After modifying the authorization of a user via the Operator Cockpit user interface, the change is not immediately visible. The user has to close the browser and login again.

  • After deployment of an app there is a security feature in place validating if the app is known to MindSphere or the app got somehow modified. Sometimes issues occur with regards to name changes or deploying from various folders. The apps need to be deployed as they are assigned from the developer.