IoT Value Plan Subscribers, MindAccess Developer Plan Subscribers and MindAccess Operator Plan Subscribers


The following Release Notes are valid only for region Europe 2.

Asset Manager

What's new?

  • Search for assets independent of their position in the hierarchy by switching to the search-view in the asset-list

  • When an asset representing a subtenant is selected you can navigate the settings application via the action menu

  • If you enhanced your plan with the Visual Flow Creator (VFC), you can initiate the workflow creation from the currently selected asset. If workflows are already available for the selected asset, you will be informed about it vi a tile showing the workflows status (enabled / disabled)

  • On the event-list, you can now select the wanted time range through the datetime picker

  • Asset Manager now provides the Connectivity Management. It allows for a quick and easy overview of assets providing connectivity to MindSphere. 

Known issues

  • If a VFC workflow for an asset in a subtenant exists, it is not shown in the respective tile in the asset manager for a tenant admin.

  • The Connectivity Management view currently only shows assets derived of BasicAgent, MindConnect Nano, MindConnect IoT2040, MindConnect Library or Industrial Edge or a derived type of the mentioned ones.

  • Fleet Manager navigation is not working correctly if you have to relogin as query parameters are lost. This problem will be addressed soon. Please try again by clicking the Fleet Manager navigation button. 

Data Exploration built on Tableau®

Known issues

  • If you receive NULL values for timestamps on a Windows PC, please change your language for non-Unicode programs to English (United States). You'll find the settings in Control Panel → Region and Language → Administrative.

Fleet Manager

Currently not available in Europe 2:

  • Content delivery network hosting not supported.

Fleet Manager Rules

Currently not available in Europe 2:

  • Integration of In-Platform Purchase (IPP).

Identity and Access Management

Known Issues

  • After modifying the authorization of a User via Identity Management Service, the change is not immediately visible. The user must then close the browser and login again.

  • In the current version the logout with Internet Explorer 11 might not work. In this case please close the browser directly.

MindConnect Edge Analytics

Currently not available in Europe 2:

  • Firmware versions higher than V03.03.00.03_b002 are currently not supported by MindConnect Edge Analytics

  • The Analysis Package Feedback button is currently not supported

MindConnect IoT Extension

Known Issues

  • Launchpad button is not working in MindConnect IoT Extension. It is not possible to return to the Launchpad via the OS bar - use tile on the top right corner. Please use the Launchpad Button in the IoT Extension applications.( right corner on the top)

MindConnect Integration

Currently not available in Europe 2:

  • Single Sign On for MindConnect Integration.


Known Issues

  • After creating provider information, only users with the mdsp:core:TenantAdministrator role are allowed to make use of the support form in Launchpad. Links to your own user support can be provided through the provider information settings. This is equal to other content such as corporate information.

Currently not available in Europe 2:

  • Live preview of company name in MindSphere OS Bar.

Subtenant Functionality

Known Issues

  • The subtenant use case is not yet supported by Data Flow Engine.

  • Applications can use the subtenant functionality via the provided APIs. Tenant administrators should pay attention when assigning such apps to subtenant users, as subtenant isolation cannot be ensured by the platform. The app may also expose data to the user that is not intended to be seen.

  • When moving an asset from a parent tenant to a subtenant, there may be a delay of up to 30 minutes until a subtenant user will be able to see data related to that asset.

  • Please be aware if you provide a user (even subtenant user) with the role "mdsp:core:TenantAdmin", this user is then able to get access to all types of tenant data.

Time Series Monitor

Known Issues

  • If the number of assets in the system which have rules set on them exceeds 60, the notifications may not come, even if rules conditions are met. 

Usage Transparency Service

Known Issues

  • Usage Transparency app running on MindSphere is loading sporadically "Asset tab" slower than expected.

Visual Explorer

Known issues

  • Visual Explorer Connector cannot create data source with assets that have values from the data type Big String.

  • On the eu2 environment the Tableau server version 2018.1 is in place. The server version 2019.1 will release in the next weeks.

  • On the eu2 environment the sub tenant use case (sub tenant user can access visual explorer creator/viewer) is not supported.

Visual Flow Creator

Known Issues

  • Can not read filenames with two colons in name.

Currently not available in Europe 2:

  • Subscribe node - the user can be notified about new entries in time series.

  • Asset type support node.

  • Support of subtenant enablement.

  • Support of Cross-tenancy

  • Anomaly detection nodes

  • MindSphere dashboard nodes