Introduction to MindSphere Predictive Learning

MindSphere Predictive Learning provides a workspace into which users can bring data in structured, unstructured, and semi-structured formats, and multiple sources. Once your data is in the workspace, you can run analyses that help you anticipate coming events and predict when issues might arise. This will allow you to boost product quality and proactively:

MindSphere Predictive Learning employs machine learning (ML) algorithms, statistics functions, transformations, and filtering to bring you the most comprehensive and flexible means to access and work with your data.

Features of MindSphere Predictive Learning

MindSphere Predictive Learning helps companies attain unprecedented product quality. Forecasting field performance reveals not only potential failure sequences, but also optimal sequences for higher product performance. By correlating field performance data with product design and manufacturing process data, MindSphere Predictive Learning enables you to improve and optimize product quality – before the product leaves the factory. Tremendous value accrues as these higher quality products translate into lower service and warranty costs. MindSphere Predictive Learning allows you to benefit from:

You can also schedule preventive maintenance before failures occur, and: