MindConnect Hardware Release Notes
MindSphere provides a highly reliable system, however the MindConnect can be affected by system internal incidents.
The MindConnect system send data into the MindSphere. If the data provider (e.g. OPC server) is not available. A value "0" with a bad quality code will be sent up. To see the quality code in the IoT model it's necessary that the quality code is always turned on at the creation of aspects.
We recommend to use an OPC UA server as data source with a certificate.
MindConnect Nano
What's new?
It's now possible to connect Modbus devices. They can be connected with Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU. The configuration can be done also in Asset Manager.
Data points Modbus TCP (read per second): 250 (Total limit per device for Modbus / OPC UA / S7)
Data points Modbus RTU - RS485 (read per second): 20 (9,6 kBd)
Data points Modbus RTU - RS232 (read per second): 15 (9,6 kBd)
The handling of the mappings between the data points and the aspects has been improved. The mapping will not be lost anymore. This will be effective after the first change of the existing configuration which is going along with a one-time loss of all old mappings. Misconfiguration will be shown in the UI.
Fixed issues
Data acquisition at slow upload connections will be more stable and more buffered
Known issues
The usage of more than 30 data sources (MindConnect Nano) is not recommended.
The connection to a SIMOCODE, SIMOTION, SINAMICS OPC UA Server cannot reestablish automatic if the used Firmware has a MiniWeb version <V5.1. It's recommended to upgrade to a new FW version of the SIMOCODE, SIMOTION, SINAMICS device.
If the version V03.02.00.00 b003 should be upgraded to the latest version, and the automatic firmware update does not work, please use the manual update option. This can happen if you use a proxy with fixed credentials.
Reading data of variable type "double" via MODBUS protocol (TCP and RTU) returns invalid values. Please don’t use this data type.
If the Modbus adapter have issues in reading data from Modbus devices the MindConnect LED will not show a yellow light.
MindConnect IoT2040
What's new?
It's now possible to connect Modbus devices. They can be connected with Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU. The configuration can be done also in Asset Manager.
Data points Modbus TCP (read per second): 30 (Total limit per device for Modbus / OPC UA / S7)
Data points Modbus RTU - RS485 (read per second): 15 (9,6 kBd)
Data points Modbus RTU - RS232 (read per second): 15 (9,6 kBd)
The SIMATIC I/O shield could be used within the MindConnect IOT2040. The configuration can be done also in Asset Manager.
The handling of the mappings between the data points and the aspects has been improved. The mapping will not be lost anymore. This will be effective after the first change of the existing configuration which is going along with a one-time loss of all old mappings.Misconfiguration will be shown in the UI.
Fixed issues
Data acquisition at slow upload connections will be more stable and more buffered
Known issues
The usage of more than 5 datasources (MindConnect IOT2040) is not recommended.
The connection to a SIMOCODE, SIMOTION, SINAMICS OPC UA Server cannot reestablish automatic if the used Firmware has a MiniWeb version <V5.1. It's recommended to upgrade to a new FW version of the SIMOCODE, SIMOTION, SINAMICS device.
If the version V03.02.00.00 b003 should be upgraded to the latest version, and the automatic firmware update can fail, please use the manual update option. This can happen if you use a proxy with fixed credentials.
Reading data of variable type "double" via MODBUS protocol (TCP and RTU) returns invalid values. Please don’t use this data type.
If the Modbus adapter have issues in reading data from Modbus devices the MindConnect LED will not show a yellow light.