MindConnect Hardware Release Notes
What's new?
MindConnect IOT2040 is now released
Key features:
Upload cylce (fix): 10 seconds
Datapoints: 30 per second
Data providers: 5 connections
The firmware has to be upgraded manualy the first time. It's described here https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/de/view/109745562 in detail.
Fixed issues
The MindConnect ID can be changed after it's onboarded
The MindConnect can be onboarded to several tenats (One at each time)
The MindConnect OPC UA server can connect to a OPC server with a default certificate
Known issues
When an agent is onboarded, offboarded and onboarded again, no data will be sent to MindSphere. To enable the existing configuration of the agent you need to save again the configuration in the Asset Manager.
The configuration of MindConnect datasources is not limited. The usage of more then 30 datasources (MindConnect Nano) and 5 datasources (MindConnect IOT2040) is not recommended.
MindConnect IOT2040: UInt32 and UInt64 can't be used at the OPC data provider.
The MindConnect devices can't reset to factory settings.
The buffer to store data is currently reduced to 100MB.
A MindConnect asset (Type: "core.mcnano" or "core.mciot2040") should not be deleted. If this will be done the same device ID could not be used anymore.
Mindsphere provides a highly reliable system, however the MindConnect can be affacted by system internal incedents.