Visualizing machine statuses (Gantt)


The "Gantt" widget shows the status of a machine at a glance, e g. by using different color codes. The status can represent the current state or the state within a specific period.

This will help you recognize:

  • When the machine started.

  • How long it was in "RUN" mode.

  • When it changed to "STOP" mode.

  • How long it remained in this state.

In the detail view, the status indicators are displayed individually broken down.

The following views are available for the "Gantt" widget:


To define widget-specific display options, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new widget or edit the existing one.

  2. In step 3 "Details", select a status mapping from the drop-down menu. If no status mapping exists yet, you create one with "Create new status mapping".

    You can find information on creating a status mapping in the section "AUTOHOTSPOT".


    For KPI instances, specify the calculation period.


The machine status is visualized according to the status mapping.

The tooltip shows, for each machine status, when this operating state occurred.
