Application call paths and MindSphere Gateway

Call paths for applications

Any access to the MindSphere APIs must utilize the MindSphere Gateway. Depending on whether you are developing a web application with a browser client or a pure backend application, accessing APIs will be different and are documented in the Developer Documentation.

Your web application browser client can

  • call MindSphere APIs. These calls must target URLs of the following schema:

  • call your own application APIs. These calls have to target URLs of the following schema:


Your mobile native application can

  • call MindSphere APIs and your own application APIs with a service credentials access token obtained from an authorization server. These calls have to target URLs of the following schema:

    https://gateway.<region><api-name>[-<api- provider>]/v<major>/<endpoint>

Your MindSphere backend application can

  • call MindSphere APIs with a service credentials access token obtained from an authorization server. These calls have to target URLs of the following schema:

  • call other backend applications of your own using an access token obtained from a browser client call.

Availability in MindSphere Gateway

In order to make your applications available in MindSphere Gateway, the following naming convention must be utilized.

Calls from a web application client following the schema:


will be routed to an internal URL that looks as follows


Cloud Foundry

In order to make your application callable from a web application client, you need to create a Cloud Foundry based application with a name <application>-<tenant-name>, where <tenant-name> is your tenant name and <application> is the name to be used as path parameter in the web application client call.