Creating rules

A rule automatically triggers events. The rule detects the overshooting or undershooting of a defined threshold value. The rule automatically logs each deviation with an event. You define the exact threshold value in the rule configuration.

To create a new rule, proceed with the following steps:

  1. In "Closed Loop System Simulation", click "Configuration" from the left navigation.

  2. From the top navigation, select the Digital Twin Template from the drop down.

  3. In "Instances and Rules". click "Create". The rule creation includes the following stages:

  • Condition:

    • Select the variable from the drop down.

    • Select the operator and the threshold.

    • For Hysteresis, select Deviation percentage.

    • For Debouncing time, enter the time and unit.

  • Default event & limit:

    • Select the severity from the drop down and enter the description.

    • Click "Next step".

  • Additional actions:

    • Check the checkbox next to "Email" and enter the email address.

    • Click "Next step".

  • Rule name:

    • Enter the name of the rule and click "Save".

The rule is successfully created.

It is also possible to edit the existing rules by clicking the "Edit" icon. ln addition, it is also possible to activate, de-activate or delete a rule by clicking 144267701387.pngand then selecting "Activate", "Deactivate" or "Delete", based on the requirements.