Release Notes - Developer Documentation
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28th November 2022


We have worked hard to deliver a great MindSphere Private Premium experience, but we are still tracking some known issues. If you find others, please give us your feedback by contacting our MindSphere Support.

We recommend that you read the following release notes carefully. These notes contain important information for installation and use.

These release notes are relevant for MindSphere Private Premium Release in November 2022.

MindSphere Private Cloud

Within this release of MindSphere Private Cloud, you will experience the MindSphere services and applications in the same way with from our public cloud offerings.

Depending on the chosen plans and services for each deployment, the following service will be available with this release:

  • MindConnect MQTT

MindConnect MQTT

Applicable for:

  • Subscribers of Capability package: Standard package and Premium package

What's new?

  • Within this release, MindConnect MQTT services are available via their respective MindSphere API and allows you to transfer data between your account on the platform and on-premise hardware devices or on-premise connectivity software from Siemens or from third parties, provided such hardware or connectivity software is compatible with MindConnect MQTT services. Connectivity software and hardware for the connection of devices, systems or other equipment to the platform are not part of our services. It is customer’s responsibility to procure and maintain appropriate licenses for such hardware and connectivity software. These such hardware and connectivity software is solely operated by customer.

Known issues:

  • Within this first release, supports upto 500 MQTT devices simultaneously. The following future upgrades will provide larger number of device support.
  • Load tests for commanding feature of MindConnect MQTT is not concluded yet. Test results will be available with the upcoming release.


The following table shows the variations for Private Standard:

Offering Variation
MindConnect MQTT Currently only available on Rancher platform for Local private cloud.

Last update: February 5, 2024

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