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Web Components for Insights Hub and Industrial IoT
Rule Table

The Rule Table displays all created Rules for Asset Types in a table view.

A triggered Rule is marked in the overview table with the color of the configured severity.







Name Type Corresponding attribute Default Description Allowed Values
assetId string asset-id Configures the asset ID whose rules are displayed using its asset ID.
assetTypeId string asset-type-id Configures the asset type whose rules are displayed using its asset type ID.
context string context Configures the context of the component. See also here.
errorNotification boolean error-notification Enables error control if an error is thrown. This can be used for debug purposes.

For productive use, the error event should be caught and handled in the application. See also here.
locale string locale Specifies the locale in which the component is displayed.
The locales en and de are provided by default.
See also here.
localeManager LocaleManager Returns a LocaleManager object.

This can be used to add locales or to get the locale settings. See also here.
model RuleDataModelProxy Returns an object for data model handling, refer to RuleDataModelProxy model.
multiSelectable boolean multi-selectable false Enables selection of multiple rules if true.
pagerMode PagerMode pager-mode Simple Configures the table's pagination mode. - Simple
- Advanced
- Advanced2
- Hidden
pageSize number page-size 100 Configures the initial page size. 1 - (pageSizeLimit of this component)
selectable boolean selectable false Enables rule selection if true.
stickyHeader boolean sticky-header false Specifies whether the table header is sticky if true.
tableFormatters IDataTableFormatters Used to define formatters for column header and values.
Pass an object which fulfills the interface IDataTableFormatters.
view IViewModel Returns an object for view handling, refer to IViewModel model.


Name Type Description
selectedRuleChanged EventEmitter<IRule> Triggered when the selection of a rule changes.
selectedRulesChanged EventEmitter<IRule[]> Triggered when the selection of multiple rules changes.
connected EventEmitter<any> Triggered after the component is created, initialized and appended to the DOM tree.
error EventEmitter<MdspUiError> Triggered when an error occurs in the component or while accessing APIs. See also here.


interface IDataModel {
    // forces reload of data, e.g. re-loading the rules
    refresh(): void;
interface IViewModel {
  refresh(): void;


  • The number of rules which can be activated simultaneously is limited and depends on the selected plan size.
    To enhance the rule limit further "Rules Quota Upgrade" packages can be purchased in the Store. For latest information refer to the IoT Value Plan product sheets or contact customer support.
  • The rule engine triggers only in case of state changes. If values are still violated, the rules are not triggered again.


A rule has been created to monitor a value greater 90.
Now the value changes from 89 to 91 - means a state change happens - and the rule will be triggered and perform the configured actions.
Next the value changes from 91 to 100 - here no state change happens, as the rule is already violated, it won't be triggered again.


  • mdsp:core:tsm.full-access (for full access like create and delete)
  • (read only)


Refresh the Rule Table

The data model of the Rule Table can be refreshed to get the latest list of rules, for example to update the view cyclically.


Overwrite asset id in table headers with asset name

With the snippet below, you can format the table header and the columns, for example, to replace the asset type with a more descriptive text or to show text in different languages.

document.querySelector('mdsp-rule-table').tableFormatters = {
  columnFormatters: {
   "assetType": {
    header: function(value){
    return "Asset Type";
    value: function(value){

Display Rule Table in different contexts

If the rule table is used without the asset type attribute set, all rules in the tenant a user has access to will be shown.

The table can be filtered with a specific asset type:

ruleTableComp.assetTypeId = 'myCustomAssetType'

In this case only Rules configured for myCustomAssetType will be displayed.

Last update: February 23, 2024

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