16 #ifndef STRING_UTIL_H_ 17 #define STRING_UTIL_H_ 153 #endif //STRING_UTIL_H_ Common module interface header file.
mcl_size_t string_util_strnlen(const char *buffer, mcl_size_t maximum_length)
Standard library strnlen wrapper.
void string_util_strncpy(char *destination, const char *source, mcl_size_t count)
Standard library strncpy wrapper. Also sets the terminating null char at the end if source is not lon...
MCL Error code definitions. Every function returning an error code uses this enum values...
void string_util_strncat(char *destination, const char *source, mcl_size_t count)
Standard library strncat wrapper.
E_MCL_ERROR_CODE string_util_strncmp(const char *string_1, const char *string_2, mcl_size_t count)
Standard library strncmp wrapper.
mcl_bool_t string_util_find(const char *source, const char *target, mcl_size_t *start_index)
Finds the first occurence of target in source and puts it's first index to start_index.
long string_util_strtol(const char *source, int base, char **end_pointer)
Returns the first occurrence of an integral value in source string.
mcl_size_t string_util_strlen(const char *buffer)
Standard library strlen wrapper.
mcl_bool_t string_util_find_case_insensitive(const char *source, const char *target, mcl_size_t *start_index)
Finds the first occurence of target in source and puts it's first index to start_index.
mcl_bool_t string_util_is_space(char character)
Checks if a character is whitespace.
char * string_util_strdup(const char *string)
Standard library strdup wrapper.
mcl_bool_t string_util_memcmp(const void *block_1, const void *block_2, mcl_size_t count)
Standard library memcmp wrapper.
void string_util_memcpy(void *destination, const void *source, mcl_size_t count)
Standard library memcpy wrapper.
E_MCL_ERROR_CODE string_util_snprintf(char *string, mcl_size_t length, const char *format,...)
Standard library snprintf wrapper.