Common module interface header file.
E_MCL_ERROR_CODE security_generate_random_bytes(unsigned char *buffer, mcl_size_t size)
To be used to generate random bytes.
MCL Error code definitions. Every function returning an error code uses this enum values...
E_MCL_ERROR_CODE security_hash_sha256(const mcl_uint8_t *data, mcl_size_t data_size, mcl_uint8_t **hash, mcl_size_t *hash_size)
E_MCL_ERROR_CODE security_rsa_get_modulus_and_exponent(char *public_key, char **modulus, char **exponent)
To be used to get the modulus (n) and public exponent (e) parameters of RSA key in Base64 format...
void security_initialize(void)
E_MCL_ERROR_CODE security_rsa_sign(char *rsa_key, char *data, mcl_size_t data_size, mcl_uint8_t **signature, mcl_size_t *signature_size)
To be used to sign data with RSA key.
E_MCL_ERROR_CODE security_generate_rsa_key(char **public_key, char **private_key)
To be used to generate the RSA public/private keys.