99 typedef struct mcl_time_series_value_t
330 #endif //MCL_DATA_TYPES_H_
Content type is application octet stream.
struct mcl_json_t mcl_json_t
This struct is used for json handling.
mcl_int32_t severity
Severity level.
Quality code of payload field values.
End of content type values.
Source type of payload field.
Details of payload field details.
string_t * data_point_id
Id of the datapoint the value is read from.
Source type of payload is agent.
string_t payload_field_values[PAYLOAD_FIELD_VALUES_END]
string_t * name
Name of the data point.
Type of payload field data sources data points.
Used with meta_field_names[E_META_FIELD_NAMES] to get the related string. ex: meta_field_names[META_F...
mcl_json_t * details
Event/alarm details.
This struct is used for building the payload of time series which is list of value sets...
string_t * correlation_id
Parent event id.
Transfer encoding chunked.
Time series type of meta field payload.
File type of meta field payload.
Version of payload field details.
list_t * data_sources
List of data sources definitions.
Source type of payload is asset.
Configuration id of meta field payload details.
Business event type of meta field payload.
This struct is used for building file.payload structure.
This struct is used for building data_source_configuration.data_points structure. ...
This struct is used for building the complete message of time series event.
Error code of payload field details.
string_t * version
Version of the event/alarm type.
mcl_uint8_t * buffer
Binary payload buffer.
string_t * description
Event description.
Current version of meta field payload.
Meta of meta field payload.
Data point id of payload field values.
mcl_json_t * custom_data
Custom data.
mcl_size_t size
Binary payload size.
Current version of meta field.
Content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
Correlation id of payload field.
This struct is used for building value set of time series.
struct mcl_time_series_t mcl_time_series_t
This struct is used for building the time series type.
mcl_size_t end_byte
File payload end byte.
Duration of meta field payload details.
Value of payload field details.
Content type is multipart mixed.
Payload field data sources data points.
Custom event id of payload field.
File type of meta field details.
Content type is multipart related.
string_t * type
Type of data point.
Content type is text plain.
string_t meta_field_names[META_FIELD_NAMES_END]
Configuration id of payload field.
Version of payload field.
Used with meta_field_values[E_META_FIELD_VALUES] to get the related string. ex: meta_field_values[MET...
End of meta field values.
list_t * value_sets
List of value sets.
Description of payload field.
End of payload field values.
This struct is used for building data_source_configuratio.payload structure.
Used with payload_field_values[E_PAYLOAD_FIELD_VALUES] to get the related string. ex: payload_field_v...
Used with payload_field_names[E_PAYLOAD_FIELD_NAMES] to get the related string. ex: payload_field_nam...
string_t * timestamp
Time of values in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format.
Type of meta field payload.
File name of meta field details.
Name of payload field details.
Value of payload field values.
This struct is used for building custom_data.payload structure.
Version of meta field payload.
Used with http_header_values[E_HTTP_HEADER_VALUES] to get the related string. ex: http_header_values[...
Meta field payload details.
Content type is meta json.
string_t content_type_values[CONTENT_TYPE_VALUES_END]
Source type of payload is application.
Timestamp of payload field.
mcl_int64_t size
File payload size.
string_t * timestamp
Creation time of the event in ISO format.
Severity of payload field.
string_t * description
Description of the data source.
mcl_json_t * custom_data
Custom data.
Source id of payload field.
Timestamp of meta field payload details.
Routing of meta field details.
This struct is used for building data_source_configuration.data_source structure. ...
mcl_uint8_t * buffer
File payload buffer.
Content type is application json.
string_t * description
Description of the data point.
End of payload field names.
string_t meta_field_values[META_FIELD_VALUES_END]
Total items of meta field details.
string_t * quality_code
The quality of the value provided.
This struct is used for building event.payload structure.
Name of payload field data sources data points.
Details of payload field.
This struct is used for building time_series.payload.values structure.
mcl_size_t start_byte
File payload start byte.
string_t * unit
Measurement unit of the data point.
Creation date of meta field details.
string_t * name
Name of the data source.
list_t * data_points
List of data points definitions.
Message of payload field details.
string_t * value
The value read.
Name of payload field data sources.
String type module header file.
Severity level of payload field is urgent.
Download link of payload field details.
Unit of payload field data sources data points.
string_t payload_field_names[PAYLOAD_FIELD_NAMES_END]
string_t * configuration_id
Unique identifier of the configuration.
Data point id of payload field assets data sources data points.
Data source configuration type of meta field payload.
Severity level of payload field is important.
Severity level of payload field is information.
time_series_t * parent
Parent of this time series.
Custom data of payload field.
Payload field data sources.
string_t * id
Unique identifier of the event.
string_t * type
Type of the event.
struct mcl_data_source_t mcl_data_source_t
struct mcl_time_series_value_set_t mcl_time_series_value_set_t
This struct is used for building value set of time series.
list_t * values
List of measurements made at the given timestamp.
string_t * id
Agent-unique identifier of the data point.
Description of payload field details.