timeseries.clients package


timeseries.clients.time_series_client module

IoT Time Series API

Store and query time series data with a precision of 1 millisecond. # noqa: E501

class TimeSeriesClient(rest_client_config=None, mindsphere_credentials=None)[source]

Bases: object


delete time series

Delete time series data for a single entity and propertyset within a given time range. Data for all properties within a propertyset is deleted.

Parameters:request_object (DeleteTimeseriesRequest) – It contains the below parameters –>
( entity* - unique identifier of the entity ),
( propertysetname* - name of the propertyset ),
( from* - beginning of the timerange to delete (exclusive) ),
( to* - end of the timerange to delete (inclusive) )

read time series

Read time series data for a single entity and propertyset. Returns data for a specified time range. Returns the latest value if no range is provided.

Parameters:request_object (GetTimeseriesRequest) – It contains the below parameters –>
( entity* - unique identifier of the entity ),
( propertysetname* - name of the propertyset ),
( from - beginning of the time range to read (exclusive) ),
( to - end of the time range to read (inclusive) ),
( limit - maximum number of entries to read ),
( select - select fields to return ),
( sort - sort order by time, permissible values are <b>asc</b> and <b>desc</b> )

write or update time series

Write or update time series data for a single entity and propertyset. Existing time series data is overwritten. Data for all properties within a propertyset needs to be provided together.

Parameters:request_object (PutTimeseriesRequest) – It contains the below parameters –>
( entity* - unique identifier of the entity ),
( propertysetname* - name of the propertyset ),
( timeseries* - time series data array )

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