integrateddatalake.models package¶
integrateddatalake.models.access_permission module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
[source]¶ Bases:
allowed enum values
= 'WRITE'¶ - Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {}¶
= {}¶
integrateddatalake.models.access_token_duration_seconds module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
integrateddatalake.models.access_token_permission module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
[source]¶ Bases:
allowed enum values
= 'READ'¶
= 'WRITE'¶ - Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {}¶
= {}¶
integrateddatalake.models.access_token_permission_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(subtenant_id=None, path=None, permission=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'path': 'path', 'permission': 'permission', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'path': 'str', 'permission': 'AccessPermission', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the path of this AccessTokenPermissionRequest. Path on which write permission is required
Returns: The path of this AccessTokenPermissionRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the permission of this AccessTokenPermissionRequest.
Returns: The permission of this AccessTokenPermissionRequest. Return type: AccessPermission
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this AccessTokenPermissionRequest. Optional, when tenants want to give access to one of their subtenant’s path
Returns: The subtenant_id of this AccessTokenPermissionRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.access_token_permission_resource module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(subtenant_id=None, id=None, path=None, permission=None, created=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'created': 'created', 'id': 'id', 'path': 'path', 'permission': 'permission', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'created': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'path': 'str', 'permission': 'AccessPermission', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the created of this AccessTokenPermissionResource. Time when write premission for the path was created
Returns: The created of this AccessTokenPermissionResource. Return type: str
¶ Gets the id of this AccessTokenPermissionResource. Auto generated unique id for request
Returns: The id of this AccessTokenPermissionResource. Return type: str
¶ Gets the path of this AccessTokenPermissionResource. Path on which write perission is given
Returns: The path of this AccessTokenPermissionResource. Return type: str
¶ Gets the permission of this AccessTokenPermissionResource.
Returns: The permission of this AccessTokenPermissionResource. Return type: AccessPermission
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this AccessTokenPermissionResource. Optional, subtenant Id, for which path write permission request was raised
Returns: The subtenant_id of this AccessTokenPermissionResource. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.access_token_permission_resources module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(access_token_permissions=None, page=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
¶ Gets the access_token_permissions of this AccessTokenPermissionResources.
Returns: The access_token_permissions of this AccessTokenPermissionResources. Return type: list[AccessTokenPermissionResource]
= {'access_token_permissions': 'accessTokenPermissions', 'page': 'page'}¶
= {'access_token_permissions': 'list[AccessTokenPermissionResource]', 'page': 'Page'}¶
integrateddatalake.models.access_token_permissions_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(write_path_payload=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'write_path_payload': 'writePathPayload'}¶
= {'write_path_payload': 'AccessTokenPermissionRequest'}¶
¶ Gets the write_path_payload of this AccessTokenPermissionsRequest.
Returns: The write_path_payload of this AccessTokenPermissionsRequest. Return type: AccessTokenPermissionRequest
integrateddatalake.models.access_tokens module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(credentials=None, storage_account=None, storage_path=None, subtenant_id=None, duration_seconds=None, permission=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'credentials': 'credentials', 'duration_seconds': 'durationSeconds', 'permission': 'permission', 'storage_account': 'storageAccount', 'storage_path': 'storagePath', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'credentials': 'Credentials', 'duration_seconds': 'AccessTokenDurationSeconds', 'permission': 'AccessTokenPermission', 'storage_account': 'str', 'storage_path': 'str', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the credentials of this AccessTokens.
Returns: The credentials of this AccessTokens. Return type: Credentials
¶ Gets the duration_seconds of this AccessTokens.
Returns: The duration_seconds of this AccessTokens. Return type: AccessTokenDurationSeconds
¶ Gets the permission of this AccessTokens.
Returns: The permission of this AccessTokens. Return type: AccessTokenPermission
¶ Gets the storage_account of this AccessTokens. Name of the storage account, in case of AWS S3, it will be S3 bucket name
Returns: The storage_account of this AccessTokens. Return type: str
¶ Gets the storage_path of this AccessTokens. Path on which the STS token based permissions are given (upto folder level). Path should be absolute path excluding storage endpoint URL.
Returns: The storage_path of this AccessTokens. Return type: str
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this AccessTokens. Optional, subtenant Id, if STS token is generated for path belonging to subtenant
Returns: The subtenant_id of this AccessTokens. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.aspect_object module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(aspect_name=None, aspect_id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
¶ Gets the aspect_id of this AspectObject. Id of aspect
Returns: The aspect_id of this AspectObject. Return type: str
¶ Gets the aspect_name of this AspectObject. Name of aspect
Returns: The aspect_name of this AspectObject. Return type: str
= {'aspect_id': 'aspectId', 'aspect_name': 'aspectName'}¶
= {'aspect_id': 'str', 'aspect_name': 'str'}¶
integrateddatalake.models.create_cross_account_access_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(cross_account_access_request=None, id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'cross_account_access_request': 'crossAccountAccessRequest', 'id': 'id'}¶
= {'cross_account_access_request': 'CrossAccountAccessRequest', 'id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the cross_account_access_request of this CreateCrossAccountAccessRequest.
Returns: The cross_account_access_request of this CreateCrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: CrossAccountAccessRequest
¶ Gets the id of this CreateCrossAccountAccessRequest.
Returns: The id of this CreateCrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.create_cross_account_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(cross_account_request=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'cross_account_request': 'crossAccountRequest'}¶
= {'cross_account_request': 'CrossAccountRequest'}¶
¶ Gets the cross_account_request of this CreateCrossAccountRequest.
Returns: The cross_account_request of this CreateCrossAccountRequest. Return type: CrossAccountRequest
integrateddatalake.models.create_delete_objects_job_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(delete_objects_job=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'delete_objects_job': 'DeleteObjectsJob'}¶
= {'delete_objects_job': 'DeleteObjectsJobRequest'}¶
¶ Gets the delete_objects_job of this CreateDeleteObjectsJobRequest.
Returns: The delete_objects_job of this CreateDeleteObjectsJobRequest. Return type: DeleteObjectsJobRequest
integrateddatalake.models.create_object_event_subscription_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(subscription=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'subscription': 'subscription'}¶
= {'subscription': 'Subscription'}¶
¶ Gets the subscription of this CreateObjectEventSubscriptionRequest.
Returns: The subscription of this CreateObjectEventSubscriptionRequest. Return type: Subscription
integrateddatalake.models.create_or_update_object_metadata_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(path=None, metadata=None, subtenant_id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'metadata': 'metadata', 'path': 'path', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'metadata': 'Metadata', 'path': 'str', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the metadata of this CreateOrUpdateObjectMetadataRequest.
Returns: The metadata of this CreateOrUpdateObjectMetadataRequest. Return type: Metadata
¶ Gets the path of this CreateOrUpdateObjectMetadataRequest.
Returns: The path of this CreateOrUpdateObjectMetadataRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this CreateOrUpdateObjectMetadataRequest.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this CreateOrUpdateObjectMetadataRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.create_time_series_import_job_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(import_job=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'import_job': 'ImportJob'}¶
= {'import_job': 'ImportJobRequest'}¶
¶ Gets the import_job of this CreateTimeSeriesImportJobRequest.
Returns: The import_job of this CreateTimeSeriesImportJobRequest. Return type: ImportJobRequest
integrateddatalake.models.credentials module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(secret_access_key=None, access_key_id=None, session_token=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
¶ Gets the access_key_id of this Credentials. ACCESS_KEY_ID
Returns: The access_key_id of this Credentials. Return type: str
= {'access_key_id': 'accessKeyId', 'secret_access_key': 'secretAccessKey', 'session_token': 'sessionToken'}¶
= {'access_key_id': 'str', 'secret_access_key': 'str', 'session_token': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the secret_access_key of this Credentials. SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
Returns: The secret_access_key of this Credentials. Return type: str
¶ Gets the session_token of this Credentials. SESSION_TOKEN
Returns: The session_token of this Credentials. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.cross_account module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(id=None, name=None, accessor_account_id=None, description=None, timestamp=None, subtenant_id=None, e_tag=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
¶ Gets the accessor_account_id of this CrossAccount. account id of the accessor
Returns: The accessor_account_id of this CrossAccount. Return type: str
= {'accessor_account_id': 'accessorAccountId', 'description': 'description', 'e_tag': 'eTag', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId', 'timestamp': 'timestamp'}¶
= {'accessor_account_id': 'str', 'description': 'str', 'e_tag': 'ETag', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'subtenant_id': 'str', 'timestamp': 'datetime'}¶
¶ Gets the description of this CrossAccount. comment about why this cross account is required
Returns: The description of this CrossAccount. Return type: str
¶ Gets the e_tag of this CrossAccount.
Returns: The e_tag of this CrossAccount. Return type: ETag
¶ Gets the id of this CrossAccount. Unique Id of the cross account resource
Returns: The id of this CrossAccount. Return type: str
¶ Gets the name of this CrossAccount. name of the cross account
Returns: The name of this CrossAccount. Return type: str
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this CrossAccount. Contains a subtenant ID in case the cross account gives access to the subtenant’s paths. Contains ** in case the cross account gives access to the tenant’s paths and all of its subtenants’ paths. Is omitted in case the cross account gives access to a tenant’s paths only.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this CrossAccount. Return type: str
¶ Gets the timestamp of this CrossAccount. date time (as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6) when the access was given or changed for other attributes
Returns: The timestamp of this CrossAccount. Return type: datetime
integrateddatalake.models.cross_account_access module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(id=None, description=None, storage_account=None, storage_path=None, path=None, permission=None, status='ENABLED', timestamp=None, e_tag=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'description': 'description', 'e_tag': 'eTag', 'id': 'id', 'path': 'path', 'permission': 'permission', 'status': 'status', 'storage_account': 'storageAccount', 'storage_path': 'storagePath', 'timestamp': 'timestamp'}¶
= {'description': 'str', 'e_tag': 'ETag', 'id': 'str', 'path': 'str', 'permission': 'Permission', 'status': 'str', 'storage_account': 'str', 'storage_path': 'str', 'timestamp': 'datetime'}¶
¶ Gets the description of this CrossAccountAccess. comment about why the permissions are given to the path
Returns: The description of this CrossAccountAccess. Return type: str
¶ Gets the e_tag of this CrossAccountAccess.
Returns: The e_tag of this CrossAccountAccess. Return type: ETag
¶ Gets the id of this CrossAccountAccess. Unique Id of the cross account access
Returns: The id of this CrossAccountAccess. Return type: str
¶ Gets the path of this CrossAccountAccess. Path on which the permissions are given (upto folder level).
Returns: The path of this CrossAccountAccess. Return type: str
¶ Gets the permission of this CrossAccountAccess.
Returns: The permission of this CrossAccountAccess. Return type: Permission
¶ Gets the status of this CrossAccountAccess. Status of the cross account access.
Returns: The status of this CrossAccountAccess. Return type: str
¶ Gets the storage_account of this CrossAccountAccess. Name of the storage account, in case of AWS S3, it will be S3 bucket name
Returns: The storage_account of this CrossAccountAccess. Return type: str
¶ Gets the storage_path of this CrossAccountAccess. Path on which the permissions are given (upto folder level). Path should be absolute path excluding storage endpoint URL.
Returns: The storage_path of this CrossAccountAccess. Return type: str
¶ Gets the timestamp of this CrossAccountAccess. Last changed timestamp for the access, according to ISO 8601 extended date/time format ‘YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ’
Returns: The timestamp of this CrossAccountAccess. Return type: datetime
integrateddatalake.models.cross_account_access_list_resource module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(cross_account_accesses=None, page=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'cross_account_accesses': 'crossAccountAccesses', 'page': 'page'}¶
= {'cross_account_accesses': 'list[CrossAccountAccess]', 'page': 'Page'}¶
¶ Gets the cross_account_accesses of this CrossAccountAccessListResource.
Returns: The cross_account_accesses of this CrossAccountAccessListResource. Return type: list[CrossAccountAccess]
integrateddatalake.models.cross_account_access_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(description=None, path='/', permission=None, status='ENABLED')[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'description': 'description', 'path': 'path', 'permission': 'permission', 'status': 'status'}¶
= {'description': 'str', 'path': 'str', 'permission': 'Permission', 'status': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the description of this CrossAccountAccessRequest. justification about why the permissions are given to the path
Returns: The description of this CrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the path of this CrossAccountAccessRequest. Path on which the permissions are required. The path should be given upto folder (not upto object).
Returns: The path of this CrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the permission of this CrossAccountAccessRequest.
Returns: The permission of this CrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: Permission
¶ Gets the status of this CrossAccountAccessRequest. Status of the cross account access. If the quota of ENABLED cross account accesses is exhausted, then cross account access can be created with status as “DISABLED”.
Returns: The status of this CrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.cross_account_list_resource module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(cross_accounts=None, page=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'cross_accounts': 'crossAccounts', 'page': 'page'}¶
= {'cross_accounts': 'list[CrossAccount]', 'page': 'Page'}¶
¶ Gets the cross_accounts of this CrossAccountListResource.
Returns: The cross_accounts of this CrossAccountListResource. Return type: list[CrossAccount]
integrateddatalake.models.cross_account_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(name=None, accessor_account_id=None, description=None, subtenant_id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
¶ Gets the accessor_account_id of this CrossAccountRequest. account id of the accessor
Returns: The accessor_account_id of this CrossAccountRequest. Return type: str
= {'accessor_account_id': 'accessorAccountId', 'description': 'description', 'name': 'name', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'accessor_account_id': 'str', 'description': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the description of this CrossAccountRequest. comment about why this cross account is required
Returns: The description of this CrossAccountRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the name of this CrossAccountRequest. name of the cross account
Returns: The name of this CrossAccountRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this CrossAccountRequest. Only to be used by tenants. In case a concrete subtenant ID is given, all accesses are to the subtenant’s paths. In case ** is given, accesses are to the tenant’s paths and all of its subtenants’ paths.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this CrossAccountRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.cross_account_update_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(name=None, description=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'description': 'description', 'name': 'name'}¶
= {'description': 'str', 'name': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the description of this CrossAccountUpdateRequest. comment about why this cross account is required
Returns: The description of this CrossAccountUpdateRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the name of this CrossAccountUpdateRequest. name of the cross account
Returns: The name of this CrossAccountUpdateRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.delete_access_token_permissions_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'id': 'id'}¶
= {'id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the id of this DeleteAccessTokenPermissionsRequest.
Returns: The id of this DeleteAccessTokenPermissionsRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.delete_cross_account_access_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(access_id=None, if_match=None, id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
¶ Gets the access_id of this DeleteCrossAccountAccessRequest.
Returns: The access_id of this DeleteCrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: str
= {'access_id': 'accessId', 'id': 'id', 'if_match': 'If-Match'}¶
= {'access_id': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'if_match': 'int'}¶
¶ Gets the id of this DeleteCrossAccountAccessRequest.
Returns: The id of this DeleteCrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the if_match of this DeleteCrossAccountAccessRequest.
Returns: The if_match of this DeleteCrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: int
integrateddatalake.models.delete_cross_account_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(if_match=None, id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'id': 'id', 'if_match': 'If-Match'}¶
= {'id': 'str', 'if_match': 'int'}¶
¶ Gets the id of this DeleteCrossAccountRequest.
Returns: The id of this DeleteCrossAccountRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the if_match of this DeleteCrossAccountRequest.
Returns: The if_match of this DeleteCrossAccountRequest. Return type: int
integrateddatalake.models.delete_object_event_subscription_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(if_match=None, id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'id': 'id', 'if_match': 'If-Match'}¶
= {'id': 'str', 'if_match': 'int'}¶
¶ Gets the id of this DeleteObjectEventSubscriptionRequest.
Returns: The id of this DeleteObjectEventSubscriptionRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the if_match of this DeleteObjectEventSubscriptionRequest.
Returns: The if_match of this DeleteObjectEventSubscriptionRequest. Return type: int
integrateddatalake.models.delete_object_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(path=None, subtenant_id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'path': 'path', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'path': 'str', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the path of this DeleteObjectRequest.
Returns: The path of this DeleteObjectRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this DeleteObjectRequest.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this DeleteObjectRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.delete_objects_job_error_details_response module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(objects=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'objects': 'objects'}¶
= {'objects': 'list[DeleteObjectsJobErrorDetailsResponseObjects]'}¶
¶ Gets the objects of this DeleteObjectsJobErrorDetailsResponse. List of object paths to be deleted.
Returns: The objects of this DeleteObjectsJobErrorDetailsResponse. Return type: list[DeleteObjectsJobErrorDetailsResponseObjects]
integrateddatalake.models.delete_objects_job_error_details_response_objects module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(path=None, status='FAILED')[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'path': 'path', 'status': 'status'}¶
= {'path': 'str', 'status': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the path of this DeleteObjectsJobErrorDetailsResponseObjects. path of object including object name
Returns: The path of this DeleteObjectsJobErrorDetailsResponseObjects. Return type: str
¶ Gets the status of this DeleteObjectsJobErrorDetailsResponseObjects. Status of the file to be deleted
Returns: The status of this DeleteObjectsJobErrorDetailsResponseObjects. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.delete_objects_job_list module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(delete_objects_jobs=None, page=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'delete_objects_jobs': 'deleteObjectsJobs', 'page': 'page'}¶
= {'delete_objects_jobs': 'list[DeleteObjectsJobResponse]', 'page': 'Page'}¶
¶ Gets the delete_objects_jobs of this DeleteObjectsJobList.
Returns: The delete_objects_jobs of this DeleteObjectsJobList. Return type: list[DeleteObjectsJobResponse]
integrateddatalake.models.delete_objects_job_progress_details module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(total_objects=None, in_progress_objects=None, deleted_objects=None, failed_objects=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'deleted_objects': 'deletedObjects', 'failed_objects': 'failedObjects', 'in_progress_objects': 'inProgressObjects', 'total_objects': 'totalObjects'}¶
= {'deleted_objects': 'int', 'failed_objects': 'int', 'in_progress_objects': 'int', 'total_objects': 'int'}¶
¶ Gets the deleted_objects of this DeleteObjectsJobProgressDetails. Count of files deleted successfully by the Delete Objects Job
Returns: The deleted_objects of this DeleteObjectsJobProgressDetails. Return type: int
¶ Gets the failed_objects of this DeleteObjectsJobProgressDetails. Count of files for which deletion failed by the Delete Objects Job
Returns: The failed_objects of this DeleteObjectsJobProgressDetails. Return type: int
¶ Gets the in_progress_objects of this DeleteObjectsJobProgressDetails. Count of files which are being deleted by the Delete Objects Job
Returns: The in_progress_objects of this DeleteObjectsJobProgressDetails. Return type: int
¶ Gets the total_objects of this DeleteObjectsJobProgressDetails. Count of files submitted to the Delete Objects Job
Returns: The total_objects of this DeleteObjectsJobProgressDetails. Return type: int
integrateddatalake.models.delete_objects_job_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(subtenant_id=None, objects=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'objects': 'objects', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'objects': 'list[DeleteObjectsJobRequestObjects]', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the objects of this DeleteObjectsJobRequest. List of object paths to be deleted.
Returns: The objects of this DeleteObjectsJobRequest. Return type: list[DeleteObjectsJobRequestObjects]
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this DeleteObjectsJobRequest. Only to be used by a tenant, to import the time series data to a subtenant’s path. If omitted, data is imported to the tenant’s path.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this DeleteObjectsJobRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.delete_objects_job_request_objects module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(path=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'path': 'path'}¶
= {'path': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the path of this DeleteObjectsJobRequestObjects. path of object including object name
Returns: The path of this DeleteObjectsJobRequestObjects. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.delete_objects_job_response module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(id=None, subtenant_id=None, progress_details=None, status=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'id': 'id', 'progress_details': 'progressDetails', 'status': 'status', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'id': 'str', 'progress_details': 'DeleteObjectsJobProgressDetails', 'status': 'DeleteObjectsJobStatus', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the id of this DeleteObjectsJobResponse. Unique Id of the Delete Objects Job
Returns: The id of this DeleteObjectsJobResponse. Return type: str
¶ Gets the progress_details of this DeleteObjectsJobResponse.
Returns: The progress_details of this DeleteObjectsJobResponse. Return type: DeleteObjectsJobProgressDetails
¶ Gets the status of this DeleteObjectsJobResponse.
Returns: The status of this DeleteObjectsJobResponse. Return type: DeleteObjectsJobStatus
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this DeleteObjectsJobResponse. Only to be used by a tenant, to import the time series data to a subtenant’s path. If omitted, data is imported to the tenant’s path.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this DeleteObjectsJobResponse. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.delete_objects_job_status module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
[source]¶ Bases:
allowed enum values
= 'COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS'¶ - Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {}¶
= {}¶
integrateddatalake.models.delete_time_series_import_job_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'id': 'id'}¶
= {'id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the id of this DeleteTimeSeriesImportJobRequest.
Returns: The id of this DeleteTimeSeriesImportJobRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.e_tag module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
integrateddatalake.models.errors module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(errors=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'errors': 'errors'}¶
= {'errors': 'list[ErrorsErrors]'}¶
¶ Gets the errors of this Errors. Concrete error codes and messages are defined at operation error response descriptions in this API specification.
Returns: The errors of this Errors. Return type: list[ErrorsErrors]
integrateddatalake.models.errors_errors module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(code=None, logref=None, message=None, message_parameters=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'code': 'code', 'logref': 'logref', 'message': 'message', 'message_parameters': 'messageParameters'}¶
= {'code': 'str', 'logref': 'str', 'message': 'str', 'message_parameters': 'list[ErrorsMessageParameters]'}¶
¶ Gets the code of this ErrorsErrors. Unique error code. Every code is bound to one message.
Returns: The code of this ErrorsErrors. Return type: str
¶ Gets the logref of this ErrorsErrors. Logging correlation ID for debugging purposes.
Returns: The logref of this ErrorsErrors. Return type: str
¶ Gets the message of this ErrorsErrors. Human readable error message in English.
Returns: The message of this ErrorsErrors. Return type: str
¶ Gets the message_parameters of this ErrorsErrors. In case an error message is parametrized, the parameter names and values are returned for, e.g., localization purposes. The parametrized error messages are defined at the operation error response descriptions in this API specification. Parameters are denoted by named placeholders ‘{<parameter name>}’ in the message specifications. At runtime, returned message placeholders are substituted by actual parameter values.
Returns: The message_parameters of this ErrorsErrors. Return type: list[ErrorsMessageParameters]
integrateddatalake.models.errors_message_parameters module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(name=None, value=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'name': 'name', 'value': 'value'}¶
= {'name': 'str', 'value': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the name of this ErrorsMessageParameters. Name of message parameter as specified in parametrized error message.
Returns: The name of this ErrorsMessageParameters. Return type: str
¶ Gets the value of this ErrorsMessageParameters. Value of message parameter as substituted in returned error message.
Returns: The value of this ErrorsMessageParameters. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.generate_access_token_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(sts_payload=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'sts_payload': 'stsPayload'}¶
= {'sts_payload': 'GenerateSTSPayload'}¶
¶ Gets the sts_payload of this GenerateAccessTokenRequest.
Returns: The sts_payload of this GenerateAccessTokenRequest. Return type: GenerateSTSPayload
integrateddatalake.models.generate_download_object_urls_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(generate_url_payload=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'generate_url_payload': 'generateUrlPayload'}¶
= {'generate_url_payload': 'GenerateUrlPayload'}¶
¶ Gets the generate_url_payload of this GenerateDownloadObjectUrlsRequest.
Returns: The generate_url_payload of this GenerateDownloadObjectUrlsRequest. Return type: GenerateUrlPayload
integrateddatalake.models.generate_sts_payload module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(subtenant_id=None, path='/', duration_seconds=None, permission=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'duration_seconds': 'durationSeconds', 'path': 'path', 'permission': 'permission', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'duration_seconds': 'AccessTokenDurationSeconds', 'path': 'str', 'permission': 'AccessTokenPermission', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the duration_seconds of this GenerateSTSPayload.
Returns: The duration_seconds of this GenerateSTSPayload. Return type: AccessTokenDurationSeconds
¶ Gets the path of this GenerateSTSPayload. object path location on which STS token is requested. This is optional for READ permission - If value for path is not provided then it will be considered on root level (“/”).
Returns: The path of this GenerateSTSPayload. Return type: str
¶ Gets the permission of this GenerateSTSPayload.
Returns: The permission of this GenerateSTSPayload. Return type: AccessTokenPermission
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this GenerateSTSPayload. Only to be used by tenants, to request access to the subtenant’s paths.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this GenerateSTSPayload. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.generate_upload_object_urls_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(generate_url_payload=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'generate_url_payload': 'generateUrlPayload'}¶
= {'generate_url_payload': 'GenerateUrlPayload'}¶
¶ Gets the generate_url_payload of this GenerateUploadObjectUrlsRequest.
Returns: The generate_url_payload of this GenerateUploadObjectUrlsRequest. Return type: GenerateUrlPayload
integrateddatalake.models.generate_url_payload module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(paths=None, subtenant_id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'paths': 'paths', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'paths': 'Paths', 'subtenant_id': 'SubtenantId'}¶
¶ Gets the paths of this GenerateUrlPayload.
Returns: The paths of this GenerateUrlPayload. Return type: Paths
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this GenerateUrlPayload.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this GenerateUrlPayload. Return type: SubtenantId
integrateddatalake.models.get_access_token_permissions_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'id': 'id'}¶
= {'id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the id of this GetAccessTokenPermissionsRequest.
Returns: The id of this GetAccessTokenPermissionsRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.get_all_delete_objects_job_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(filter=None, size=None, page=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'filter': 'filter', 'page': 'page', 'size': 'size'}¶
= {'filter': 'str', 'page': 'int', 'size': 'int'}¶
¶ Gets the filter of this GetAllDeleteObjectsJobRequest.
Returns: The filter of this GetAllDeleteObjectsJobRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the page of this GetAllDeleteObjectsJobRequest.
Returns: The page of this GetAllDeleteObjectsJobRequest. Return type: int
¶ Gets the size of this GetAllDeleteObjectsJobRequest.
Returns: The size of this GetAllDeleteObjectsJobRequest. Return type: int
integrateddatalake.models.get_cross_account_access_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(access_id=None, id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
¶ Gets the access_id of this GetCrossAccountAccessRequest.
Returns: The access_id of this GetCrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: str
= {'access_id': 'accessId', 'id': 'id'}¶
= {'access_id': 'str', 'id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the id of this GetCrossAccountAccessRequest.
Returns: The id of this GetCrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.get_cross_account_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'id': 'id'}¶
= {'id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the id of this GetCrossAccountRequest.
Returns: The id of this GetCrossAccountRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.get_delete_objects_job_errors_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(subtenant_id=None, id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'id': 'id', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'id': 'str', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the id of this GetDeleteObjectsJobErrorsRequest.
Returns: The id of this GetDeleteObjectsJobErrorsRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this GetDeleteObjectsJobErrorsRequest.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this GetDeleteObjectsJobErrorsRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.get_delete_objects_job_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(subtenant_id=None, id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'id': 'id', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'id': 'str', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the id of this GetDeleteObjectsJobRequest.
Returns: The id of this GetDeleteObjectsJobRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this GetDeleteObjectsJobRequest.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this GetDeleteObjectsJobRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.import_job_details module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(id=None, name=None, destination_path=None, status=None, subtenant_id=None, aspects=None, aspect_names=None, asset_ids=None, _from=None, to=None, progress=None, file_count=None, response_message=None, storage_account=None, storage_path=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
¶ Gets the _from of this ImportJobDetails. Beginning of the time range to read
Returns: The _from of this ImportJobDetails. Return type: str
¶ Gets the aspect_names of this ImportJobDetails. List of aspect names.
Returns: The aspect_names of this ImportJobDetails. Return type: list[str]
¶ Gets the aspects of this ImportJobDetails. List of aspect object with its id and name.
Returns: The aspects of this ImportJobDetails. Return type: list[AspectObject]
¶ Gets the asset_ids of this ImportJobDetails. List of asset IDs.
Returns: The asset_ids of this ImportJobDetails. Return type: list[str]
= {'_from': 'from', 'aspect_names': 'aspectNames', 'aspects': 'aspects', 'asset_ids': 'assetIds', 'destination_path': 'destinationPath', 'file_count': 'fileCount', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'progress': 'progress', 'response_message': 'responseMessage', 'status': 'status', 'storage_account': 'storageAccount', 'storage_path': 'storagePath', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId', 'to': 'to'}¶
= {'_from': 'str', 'aspect_names': 'list[str]', 'aspects': 'list[AspectObject]', 'asset_ids': 'list[str]', 'destination_path': 'str', 'file_count': 'float', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'progress': 'float', 'response_message': 'str', 'status': 'str', 'storage_account': 'str', 'storage_path': 'str', 'subtenant_id': 'str', 'to': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the destination_path of this ImportJobDetails. User specified destination folder
Returns: The destination_path of this ImportJobDetails. Return type: str
¶ Gets the file_count of this ImportJobDetails. Number of files imported
Returns: The file_count of this ImportJobDetails. Return type: float
¶ Gets the id of this ImportJobDetails. Unique Id of the time series bulk import job
Returns: The id of this ImportJobDetails. Return type: str
¶ Gets the name of this ImportJobDetails. Name of the time series bulk import job
Returns: The name of this ImportJobDetails. Return type: str
¶ Gets the progress of this ImportJobDetails. Time series bulk import job progress. This is a number between 0.0 to 100.00
Returns: The progress of this ImportJobDetails. Return type: float
¶ Gets the response_message of this ImportJobDetails. Response related to import job handling
Returns: The response_message of this ImportJobDetails. Return type: str
¶ Gets the status of this ImportJobDetails. Status of the time series bulk import job
Returns: The status of this ImportJobDetails. Return type: str
¶ Gets the storage_account of this ImportJobDetails. Name of the storage account, in case of AWS S3, it will be S3 bucket name
Returns: The storage_account of this ImportJobDetails. Return type: str
¶ Gets the storage_path of this ImportJobDetails. Path on which the subscription is created (upto folder level). Path should be absolute path excluding storage endpoint URL.
Returns: The storage_path of this ImportJobDetails. Return type: str
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this ImportJobDetails. Contains a subtenant ID in case the target of the import is a subtenant’s path. Is omitted otherwise.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this ImportJobDetails. Return type: str
¶ Gets the to of this ImportJobDetails. End of the time range to read.
Returns: The to of this ImportJobDetails. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.import_job_list_resource module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(time_series_import_jobs=None, page=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'page': 'page', 'time_series_import_jobs': 'timeSeriesImportJobs'}¶
= {'page': 'Page', 'time_series_import_jobs': 'list[ImportJobResponse]'}¶
¶ Gets the page of this ImportJobListResource.
Returns: The page of this ImportJobListResource. Return type: Page
¶ Gets the time_series_import_jobs of this ImportJobListResource.
Returns: The time_series_import_jobs of this ImportJobListResource. Return type: list[ImportJobResponse]
integrateddatalake.models.import_job_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(name=None, destination=None, subtenant_id=None, aspect_names=None, asset_ids=None, _from=None, to=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
¶ Gets the _from of this ImportJobRequest. Beginning of the time range to read
Returns: The _from of this ImportJobRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the aspect_names of this ImportJobRequest. List of aspect names.
Returns: The aspect_names of this ImportJobRequest. Return type: list[str]
¶ Gets the asset_ids of this ImportJobRequest. List of asset IDs.
Returns: The asset_ids of this ImportJobRequest. Return type: list[str]
= {'_from': 'from', 'aspect_names': 'aspectNames', 'asset_ids': 'assetIds', 'destination': 'destination', 'name': 'name', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId', 'to': 'to'}¶
= {'_from': 'str', 'aspect_names': 'list[str]', 'asset_ids': 'list[str]', 'destination': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'subtenant_id': 'str', 'to': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the destination of this ImportJobRequest. User specified destination folder
Returns: The destination of this ImportJobRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the name of this ImportJobRequest. Name of the time series bulk import job
Returns: The name of this ImportJobRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this ImportJobRequest. Only to be used by a tenant, to import the time series data to a subtenant’s path. If omitted, data is imported to the tenant’s path.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this ImportJobRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the to of this ImportJobRequest. End of the time range to read.
Returns: The to of this ImportJobRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.import_job_response module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(id=None, name=None, destination_path=None, status=None, subtenant_id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'destination_path': 'destinationPath', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'status': 'status', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'destination_path': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'status': 'str', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the destination_path of this ImportJobResponse. User specified destination folder
Returns: The destination_path of this ImportJobResponse. Return type: str
¶ Gets the id of this ImportJobResponse. Unique Id of the time series bulk import job
Returns: The id of this ImportJobResponse. Return type: str
¶ Gets the name of this ImportJobResponse. Name of the time series bulk import job
Returns: The name of this ImportJobResponse. Return type: str
¶ Gets the status of this ImportJobResponse. Status of the time series bulk import job
Returns: The status of this ImportJobResponse. Return type: str
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this ImportJobResponse. Contains a subtenant ID in case the target of the import is a subtenant’s path. Is omitted otherwise.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this ImportJobResponse. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.list_access_token_permissions_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(size=None, page=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'page': 'page', 'size': 'size'}¶
= {'page': 'int', 'size': 'int'}¶
¶ Gets the page of this ListAccessTokenPermissionsRequest.
Returns: The page of this ListAccessTokenPermissionsRequest. Return type: int
¶ Gets the size of this ListAccessTokenPermissionsRequest.
Returns: The size of this ListAccessTokenPermissionsRequest. Return type: int
integrateddatalake.models.list_cross_account_access_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(size=None, id=None, page=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'id': 'id', 'page': 'page', 'size': 'size'}¶
= {'id': 'str', 'page': 'int', 'size': 'int'}¶
¶ Gets the id of this ListCrossAccountAccessRequest.
Returns: The id of this ListCrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the page of this ListCrossAccountAccessRequest.
Returns: The page of this ListCrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: int
¶ Gets the size of this ListCrossAccountAccessRequest.
Returns: The size of this ListCrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: int
integrateddatalake.models.list_cross_account_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(filter=None, size=None, page=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'filter': 'filter', 'page': 'page', 'size': 'size'}¶
= {'filter': 'str', 'page': 'int', 'size': 'int'}¶
¶ Gets the filter of this ListCrossAccountRequest.
Returns: The filter of this ListCrossAccountRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the page of this ListCrossAccountRequest.
Returns: The page of this ListCrossAccountRequest. Return type: int
¶ Gets the size of this ListCrossAccountRequest.
Returns: The size of this ListCrossAccountRequest. Return type: int
integrateddatalake.models.metadata module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(tags=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'tags': 'tags'}¶
= {'tags': 'list[str]'}¶
Gets the tags of this Metadata. Array of Metadata.
Returns: The tags of this Metadata. Return type: list[str]
integrateddatalake.models.object_list_response module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(page=None, storage_account=None, path=None, subtenant_id=None, objects=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'objects': 'objects', 'page': 'page', 'path': 'path', 'storage_account': 'storageAccount', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'objects': 'list[ObjectListResponseObjects]', 'page': 'TokenPagePage', 'path': 'str', 'storage_account': 'str', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the objects of this ObjectListResponse.
Returns: The objects of this ObjectListResponse. Return type: list[ObjectListResponseObjects]
¶ Gets the page of this ObjectListResponse.
Returns: The page of this ObjectListResponse. Return type: TokenPagePage
¶ Gets the path of this ObjectListResponse. input path
Returns: The path of this ObjectListResponse. Return type: str
¶ Gets the storage_account of this ObjectListResponse. Name of storage account, e.g. S3 Bucket name, Azure Blob Storage name
Returns: The storage_account of this ObjectListResponse. Return type: str
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this ObjectListResponse. Is present, if the object is owned by a subtenant.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this ObjectListResponse. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.object_list_response_objects module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(path=None, last_modified=None, size=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'last_modified': 'lastModified', 'path': 'path', 'size': 'size'}¶
= {'last_modified': 'str', 'path': 'str', 'size': 'float'}¶
¶ Gets the last_modified of this ObjectListResponseObjects. timestamp when this object was last modified
Returns: The last_modified of this ObjectListResponseObjects. Return type: str
¶ Gets the path of this ObjectListResponseObjects. path including object name
Returns: The path of this ObjectListResponseObjects. Return type: str
¶ Gets the size of this ObjectListResponseObjects. size of the object in bytes
Returns: The size of this ObjectListResponseObjects. Return type: float
integrateddatalake.models.object_meta_data_response module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(name=None, path=None, location=None, last_modified=None, size=None, tags=None, folder_tags=None, subtenant_id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'folder_tags': 'folderTags', 'last_modified': 'lastModified', 'location': 'location', 'name': 'name', 'path': 'path', 'size': 'size', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId', 'tags': 'tags'}¶
= {'folder_tags': 'list[str]', 'last_modified': 'datetime', 'location': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'path': 'str', 'size': 'float', 'subtenant_id': 'str', 'tags': 'list[str]'}¶
Gets the folder_tags of this ObjectMetaDataResponse. folder level metadata tags
Returns: The folder_tags of this ObjectMetaDataResponse. Return type: list[str]
¶ Gets the last_modified of this ObjectMetaDataResponse. Last Modified Time of the Object
Returns: The last_modified of this ObjectMetaDataResponse. Return type: datetime
¶ Gets the location of this ObjectMetaDataResponse. Object location in Data Lake
Returns: The location of this ObjectMetaDataResponse. Return type: str
¶ Gets the name of this ObjectMetaDataResponse. Object Name
Returns: The name of this ObjectMetaDataResponse. Return type: str
¶ Gets the path of this ObjectMetaDataResponse. Object path in Data Lake
Returns: The path of this ObjectMetaDataResponse. Return type: str
¶ Gets the size of this ObjectMetaDataResponse. Size of the Object
Returns: The size of this ObjectMetaDataResponse. Return type: float
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this ObjectMetaDataResponse. Optional, subtenant Id, if the object metadata belongs to subtenant
Returns: The subtenant_id of this ObjectMetaDataResponse. Return type: str
Gets the tags of this ObjectMetaDataResponse. Size of the Object
Returns: The tags of this ObjectMetaDataResponse. Return type: list[str]
integrateddatalake.models.object_metadata module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(name=None, location=None, last_modified=None, size=None, tags=None, folder_tags=None, storage_account=None, storage_path=None, subtenant_id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'folder_tags': 'folderTags', 'last_modified': 'lastModified', 'location': 'location', 'name': 'name', 'size': 'size', 'storage_account': 'storageAccount', 'storage_path': 'storagePath', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId', 'tags': 'tags'}¶
= {'folder_tags': 'list[str]', 'last_modified': 'datetime', 'location': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'size': 'float', 'storage_account': 'str', 'storage_path': 'str', 'subtenant_id': 'str', 'tags': 'list[str]'}¶
Gets the folder_tags of this ObjectMetadata. folder level metadata tags
Returns: The folder_tags of this ObjectMetadata. Return type: list[str]
¶ Gets the last_modified of this ObjectMetadata. Last Modified Time of the Object
Returns: The last_modified of this ObjectMetadata. Return type: datetime
¶ Gets the location of this ObjectMetadata. Object Location in Data Lake
Returns: The location of this ObjectMetadata. Return type: str
¶ Gets the name of this ObjectMetadata. Object Name
Returns: The name of this ObjectMetadata. Return type: str
¶ Gets the size of this ObjectMetadata. Size of the Object
Returns: The size of this ObjectMetadata. Return type: float
¶ Gets the storage_account of this ObjectMetadata. Name of the storage account, in case of AWS S3, it will be S3 bucket name
Returns: The storage_account of this ObjectMetadata. Return type: str
¶ Gets the storage_path of this ObjectMetadata. Path on which the subscription is created (upto folder level). Path should be absolute path excluding storage endpoint URL.
Returns: The storage_path of this ObjectMetadata. Return type: str
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this ObjectMetadata. Optional, subtenant Id, if the object metadata belongs to subtenant
Returns: The subtenant_id of this ObjectMetadata. Return type: str
Gets the tags of this ObjectMetadata. Size of the Object
Returns: The tags of this ObjectMetadata. Return type: list[str]
integrateddatalake.models.object_urls module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
()¶ Append object to the end of the list.
= {}¶
= {}¶
()¶ Remove all items from list.
()¶ Return a shallow copy of the list.
()¶ Return number of occurrences of value.
()¶ Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.
()¶ Return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
()¶ Insert object before index.
()¶ Remove and return item at index (default last).
Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.
()¶ Remove first occurrence of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
()¶ Reverse IN PLACE.
()¶ Sort the list in ascending order and return None.
The sort is in-place (i.e. the list itself is modified) and stable (i.e. the order of two equal elements is maintained).
If a key function is given, apply it once to each list item and sort them, ascending or descending, according to their function values.
The reverse flag can be set to sort in descending order.
integrateddatalake.models.object_urls_inner module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(signed_url=None, path=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'path': 'path', 'signed_url': 'signedUrl'}¶
= {'path': 'str', 'signed_url': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the path of this ObjectUrlsInner. The path for the signed url.
Returns: The path of this ObjectUrlsInner. Return type: str
¶ Gets the signed_url of this ObjectUrlsInner. The signed url of the object.
Returns: The signed_url of this ObjectUrlsInner. Return type: str module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(size=None, total_elements=None, total_pages=None, number=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'number': 'number', 'size': 'size', 'total_elements': 'totalElements', 'total_pages': 'totalPages'}¶
= {'number': 'int', 'size': 'int', 'total_elements': 'int', 'total_pages': 'int'}¶
¶ Gets the number of this Page.
Returns: The number of this Page. Return type: int
¶ Gets the size of this Page.
Returns: The size of this Page. Return type: int
¶ Gets the total_elements of this Page.
Returns: The total_elements of this Page. Return type: int
¶ Gets the total_pages of this Page.
Returns: The total_pages of this Page. Return type: int
integrateddatalake.models.patch_object_event_subscription_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(if_match=None, id=None, subscription=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'id': 'id', 'if_match': 'If-Match', 'subscription': 'subscription'}¶
= {'id': 'str', 'if_match': 'int', 'subscription': 'SubscriptionUpdate'}¶
¶ Gets the id of this PatchObjectEventSubscriptionRequest.
Returns: The id of this PatchObjectEventSubscriptionRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the if_match of this PatchObjectEventSubscriptionRequest.
Returns: The if_match of this PatchObjectEventSubscriptionRequest. Return type: int
¶ Gets the subscription of this PatchObjectEventSubscriptionRequest.
Returns: The subscription of this PatchObjectEventSubscriptionRequest. Return type: SubscriptionUpdate
integrateddatalake.models.path module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(path=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'path': 'path'}¶
= {'path': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the path of this Path. The path where to upload object using the signed url. The path should denote folders and object name. e.g. basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext
Returns: The path of this Path. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.paths module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
()¶ Append object to the end of the list.
= {}¶
= {}¶
()¶ Remove all items from list.
()¶ Return a shallow copy of the list.
()¶ Return number of occurrences of value.
()¶ Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.
()¶ Return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
()¶ Insert object before index.
()¶ Remove and return item at index (default last).
Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.
()¶ Remove first occurrence of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
()¶ Reverse IN PLACE.
()¶ Sort the list in ascending order and return None.
The sort is in-place (i.e. the list itself is modified) and stable (i.e. the order of two equal elements is maintained).
If a key function is given, apply it once to each list item and sort them, ascending or descending, according to their function values.
The reverse flag can be set to sort in descending order.
integrateddatalake.models.permission module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
[source]¶ Bases:
allowed enum values
= 'DELETE'¶ - Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= 'READ'¶
= {}¶
= {}¶
integrateddatalake.models.query_object_event_subscriptions_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(filter=None, size=None, page=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'filter': 'filter', 'page': 'page', 'size': 'size'}¶
= {'filter': 'str', 'page': 'int', 'size': 'int'}¶
¶ Gets the filter of this QueryObjectEventSubscriptionsRequest.
Returns: The filter of this QueryObjectEventSubscriptionsRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the page of this QueryObjectEventSubscriptionsRequest.
Returns: The page of this QueryObjectEventSubscriptionsRequest. Return type: int
¶ Gets the size of this QueryObjectEventSubscriptionsRequest.
Returns: The size of this QueryObjectEventSubscriptionsRequest. Return type: int
integrateddatalake.models.query_object_metadata_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(filter=None, size=None, subtenant_id=None, page=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'filter': 'filter', 'page': 'page', 'size': 'size', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'filter': 'str', 'page': 'int', 'size': 'int', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the filter of this QueryObjectMetadataRequest.
Returns: The filter of this QueryObjectMetadataRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the page of this QueryObjectMetadataRequest.
Returns: The page of this QueryObjectMetadataRequest. Return type: int
¶ Gets the size of this QueryObjectMetadataRequest.
Returns: The size of this QueryObjectMetadataRequest. Return type: int
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this QueryObjectMetadataRequest.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this QueryObjectMetadataRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.query_objects_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(path=None, subtenant_id=None, page_token=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'page_token': 'pageToken', 'path': 'path', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'page_token': 'str', 'path': 'str', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the page_token of this QueryObjectsRequest.
Returns: The page_token of this QueryObjectsRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the path of this QueryObjectsRequest.
Returns: The path of this QueryObjectsRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this QueryObjectsRequest.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this QueryObjectsRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.query_time_series_import_jobs_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(filter=None, size=None, page=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'filter': 'filter', 'page': 'page', 'size': 'size'}¶
= {'filter': 'str', 'page': 'int', 'size': 'int'}¶
¶ Gets the filter of this QueryTimeSeriesImportJobsRequest.
Returns: The filter of this QueryTimeSeriesImportJobsRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the page of this QueryTimeSeriesImportJobsRequest.
Returns: The page of this QueryTimeSeriesImportJobsRequest. Return type: int
¶ Gets the size of this QueryTimeSeriesImportJobsRequest.
Returns: The size of this QueryTimeSeriesImportJobsRequest. Return type: int
integrateddatalake.models.retrieve_object_event_subscription_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'id': 'id'}¶
= {'id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the id of this RetrieveObjectEventSubscriptionRequest.
Returns: The id of this RetrieveObjectEventSubscriptionRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.retrieve_object_metadata_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(path=None, subtenant_id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'path': 'path', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'path': 'str', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the path of this RetrieveObjectMetadataRequest.
Returns: The path of this RetrieveObjectMetadataRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this RetrieveObjectMetadataRequest.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this RetrieveObjectMetadataRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.retrieve_time_series_import_job_details_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'id': 'id'}¶
= {'id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the id of this RetrieveTimeSeriesImportJobDetailsRequest.
Returns: The id of this RetrieveTimeSeriesImportJobDetailsRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.retrieve_time_series_import_job_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'id': 'id'}¶
= {'id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the id of this RetrieveTimeSeriesImportJobRequest.
Returns: The id of this RetrieveTimeSeriesImportJobRequest. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.search_response module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(object_metadata=None, page=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'object_metadata': 'objectMetadata', 'page': 'page'}¶
= {'object_metadata': 'list[ObjectMetadata]', 'page': 'Page'}¶
¶ Gets the object_metadata of this SearchResponse.
Returns: The object_metadata of this SearchResponse. Return type: list[ObjectMetadata]
integrateddatalake.models.signed_url_response module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(object_urls=None, subtenant_id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'object_urls': 'objectUrls', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'object_urls': 'ObjectUrls', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the object_urls of this SignedUrlResponse.
Returns: The object_urls of this SignedUrlResponse. Return type: ObjectUrls
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this SignedUrlResponse. Optional, subtenant Id, if the generate Url request is for a subtenant
Returns: The subtenant_id of this SignedUrlResponse. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.sort module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
()¶ Append object to the end of the list.
= {}¶
= {}¶
()¶ Remove all items from list.
()¶ Return a shallow copy of the list.
()¶ Return number of occurrences of value.
()¶ Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.
()¶ Return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
()¶ Insert object before index.
()¶ Remove and return item at index (default last).
Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.
()¶ Remove first occurrence of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
()¶ Reverse IN PLACE.
()¶ Sort the list in ascending order and return None.
The sort is in-place (i.e. the list itself is modified) and stable (i.e. the order of two equal elements is maintained).
If a key function is given, apply it once to each list item and sort them, ascending or descending, according to their function values.
The reverse flag can be set to sort in descending order.
integrateddatalake.models.sort_criteria module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(field=None, order='ASC')[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'field': 'field', 'order': 'order'}¶
= {'field': 'str', 'order': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the field of this SortCriteria. Sort Criteria requested by User(name or location or lastModified or size).
Returns: The field of this SortCriteria. Return type: str
¶ Gets the order of this SortCriteria. Sort Order
Returns: The order of this SortCriteria. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.subscription module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(name=None, path=None, destination=None, subtenant_id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'destination': 'destination', 'name': 'name', 'path': 'path', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'destination': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'path': 'str', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the destination of this Subscription. endpoint where notification has to be published
Returns: The destination of this Subscription. Return type: str
¶ Gets the name of this Subscription. name for the event subscription. If name in request is not provided, then default name will be created.
Returns: The name of this Subscription. Return type: str
¶ Gets the path of this Subscription. path on which events result in notification
Returns: The path of this Subscription. Return type: str
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this Subscription. Only to be used by tenants, to create a subscription to a subtenant’s path. If not provided by a tenant, the subscription is for the tenant’s path.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this Subscription. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.subscription_list_resource module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(subscriptions=None, page=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'page': 'page', 'subscriptions': 'subscriptions'}¶
= {'page': 'Page', 'subscriptions': 'list[SubscriptionResponse]'}¶
¶ Gets the page of this SubscriptionListResource.
Returns: The page of this SubscriptionListResource. Return type: Page
¶ Gets the subscriptions of this SubscriptionListResource.
Returns: The subscriptions of this SubscriptionListResource. Return type: list[SubscriptionResponse]
integrateddatalake.models.subscription_response module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(id=None, name=None, storage_account=None, storage_path=None, destination=None, e_tag=None, subtenant_id=None, status=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'destination': 'destination', 'e_tag': 'eTag', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'status': 'status', 'storage_account': 'storageAccount', 'storage_path': 'storagePath', 'subtenant_id': 'subtenantId'}¶
= {'destination': 'str', 'e_tag': 'ETag', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'status': 'str', 'storage_account': 'str', 'storage_path': 'str', 'subtenant_id': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the destination of this SubscriptionResponse. endpoint where notification has to be published
Returns: The destination of this SubscriptionResponse. Return type: str
¶ Gets the e_tag of this SubscriptionResponse.
Returns: The e_tag of this SubscriptionResponse. Return type: ETag
¶ Gets the id of this SubscriptionResponse. unique identifier of the subscription
Returns: The id of this SubscriptionResponse. Return type: str
¶ Gets the name of this SubscriptionResponse. name for the event subscription.
Returns: The name of this SubscriptionResponse. Return type: str
¶ Gets the status of this SubscriptionResponse. Status of the destination endpoint. By default, status will be active. But, if destination is not reachable then it will be changed to inactive. Patch API can be used to make it Active again. Possible values are “ACTIVE” or “INACTIVE”
Returns: The status of this SubscriptionResponse. Return type: str
¶ Gets the storage_account of this SubscriptionResponse. Name of the storage account, in case of AWS S3, it will be S3 bucket name
Returns: The storage_account of this SubscriptionResponse. Return type: str
¶ Gets the storage_path of this SubscriptionResponse. Path on which the subscription is created (upto folder level). Path should be absolute path excluding storage endpoint URL.
Returns: The storage_path of this SubscriptionResponse. Return type: str
¶ Gets the subtenant_id of this SubscriptionResponse. Contains a subtenant ID in case the subscription is for a subtenant’s path. Is omitted otherwise.
Returns: The subtenant_id of this SubscriptionResponse. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.subscription_update module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(name=None, path=None, destination=None, status=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'destination': 'destination', 'name': 'name', 'path': 'path', 'status': 'status'}¶
= {'destination': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'path': 'str', 'status': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the destination of this SubscriptionUpdate. endpoint where notification has to be published
Returns: The destination of this SubscriptionUpdate. Return type: str
¶ Gets the name of this SubscriptionUpdate. name for the event subscription. If name in request is not provided, then default name will be created.
Returns: The name of this SubscriptionUpdate. Return type: str
¶ Gets the path of this SubscriptionUpdate. path on which events result in notification
Returns: The path of this SubscriptionUpdate. Return type: str
¶ Gets the status of this SubscriptionUpdate. status for endpoint destination. “ACTIVE” is the only valid value
Returns: The status of this SubscriptionUpdate. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.subtenant_id module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
integrateddatalake.models.token_page module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(page=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'page': 'page'}¶
= {'page': 'TokenPagePage'}¶
¶ Gets the page of this TokenPage.
Returns: The page of this TokenPage. Return type: TokenPagePage
integrateddatalake.models.token_page_page module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(next_token=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'next_token': 'nextToken'}¶
= {'next_token': 'str'}¶
¶ Gets the next_token of this TokenPagePage. Opaque token to next page. Can be used in query paramter ‘pageToken’ to request next page. The property is only present in case there is a next page.
Returns: The next_token of this TokenPagePage. Return type: str
integrateddatalake.models.update_cross_account_access_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(access_id=None, if_match=None, cross_account_access_request=None, id=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
¶ Gets the access_id of this UpdateCrossAccountAccessRequest.
Returns: The access_id of this UpdateCrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: str
= {'access_id': 'accessId', 'cross_account_access_request': 'crossAccountAccessRequest', 'id': 'id', 'if_match': 'If-Match'}¶
= {'access_id': 'str', 'cross_account_access_request': 'CrossAccountAccessRequest', 'id': 'str', 'if_match': 'int'}¶
¶ Gets the cross_account_access_request of this UpdateCrossAccountAccessRequest.
Returns: The cross_account_access_request of this UpdateCrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: CrossAccountAccessRequest
¶ Gets the id of this UpdateCrossAccountAccessRequest.
Returns: The id of this UpdateCrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the if_match of this UpdateCrossAccountAccessRequest.
Returns: The if_match of this UpdateCrossAccountAccessRequest. Return type: int
integrateddatalake.models.update_cross_account_request module¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501
(if_match=None, id=None, cross_account_request=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Attributes:
- attribute_types (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is attribute type.
- attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
- and the value is json key in definition.
= {'cross_account_request': 'crossAccountRequest', 'id': 'id', 'if_match': 'If-Match'}¶
= {'cross_account_request': 'CrossAccountUpdateRequest', 'id': 'str', 'if_match': 'int'}¶
¶ Gets the cross_account_request of this UpdateCrossAccountRequest.
Returns: The cross_account_request of this UpdateCrossAccountRequest. Return type: CrossAccountUpdateRequest
¶ Gets the id of this UpdateCrossAccountRequest.
Returns: The id of this UpdateCrossAccountRequest. Return type: str
¶ Gets the if_match of this UpdateCrossAccountRequest.
Returns: The if_match of this UpdateCrossAccountRequest. Return type: int
Module contents¶
Data Lake API
Service for storing Objects, download objects, add extended metadata tags, subscribe for notifications, import tenant specific MindSphere Time Series data, and enable data access using cross account access and STS in Integrated MindSphere Data Lake. - Objects reside in user specified path like below example. Extension in object name is optional. Root path can be denoted as “/” /basefolder/subfolder/objectname.objectext - The following generic error codes might occur at any of the specified operations. Generic errors are prefixed with ‘mdsp.core.generic.’. - missingParameter - invalidParameter - missingRequestBodyProperty - invalidRequestBodyProperty - unauthorized - forbidden - noMatch - unsupportedMediaType - tooManyRequests - internalServerError # noqa: E501