Get aggregated time series data for one aspect of an asset.
Returns a list of aggregates for a given asset and aspect. The time range of the aggregates can be defined by a combination of parameters; such as from, to, intervalUnit, intervalValue and count. Time range can be specified anywhere in past or future for which timeseries data is present. In the case no time series data was available for an aggregation interval, no aggregate will be returned. Pre-computed aggregates are aligned with the tenant's time zone. **Limitations** - The maximum time range for querying DAY/WEEK/MONTH aggregates is 90 days. - The maximum time range for querying HOUR aggregates is 7 days. - The maximum time range for querying 2 MINUTE aggregates is 24 hours. **Parameter Auto-Completion** The parameters *from*, *to*, *intervalUnit*, *intervalValue*, and *count* are used to determine the time range and interval length to return aggregates for. Intelligent auto-completion is applied to allow clients to only provide a subset of the parameters, according to the following rules: 1. In case none of the parameters is provided, *intervalUnit* is set to DAY, *intervalValue* is set to 1, *to* is set to the current time, and *from* is set to the current time minus 7 days. 1. If only *from* is provided, *to* is set such that a 90 day time range results or, in case a larger range would result, to the current time. *from* is truncated to date-only for this calculation. 1. If only *to* is provided, *from* is set such that a 90 day time range results. 1. If *intervalUnit*, *intervalValue* and *count* are provided, it suffices to either provide *to* or *from* in addition. The missing parameter is determined based on the time range computed from *intervalUnit*, *intervlValue* and *count*. 1. If *intervalUnit* and *intervalValue* are not provided, the largest available interval length fitting into the used time range is chosen. 1. If *count* is not provided, but the other parameters are, *count* will be derived based on the time range divided by the *intervalUnit* and *intervalValue*. 1. In case parameters *from* or *to* are provided but do not coincide with the pre-calculated interval boundaries of the used interval, *from* and *to* are shifted such that the overall time range contains the provided one and time range boundaries coincide with interval boundaries. 1. If *from*, *to* and *count* are provided, *intervalUnit*, *intervalValue* is determined based on the time range divided by count. **Examples** *Example 1: use of intervalUnit, intervalValue and count to derive end of time range.* A request with open time range is made from = 2019-02-01Z intervalUnit = day intervalValue = 1 count = 7 Rule 4 is applied to determine the 'to' parameter to = 2019-02-08Z *Example 2: time range auto-extension and count derivation.* A request with missing 'to' and 'count' parameters is made, and current system time is 2019-02-01T20:00:00Z from = 2019-02-01T10:00:00Z intervalUnit = hour intervalValue = 1 The 'to' time is derived based on Rule 2 to be the current time and 'count' is determined applying Rule 6 to = 2019-02-01T20:00:00Z count = 10 *Example 3: intervalUnit and intervalValue auto-completion.* A request without 'intervalUnit', 'intervalValue' and 'count' is made from = 2020-10-10T10:00:00Z to = 2020-10-10T10:30:00Z Rule 5 is applied to determine the interval length based on the time range only. The count is derived based on rule 6 in the following. intervalUnit = minute intervalValue = 2 count = 15 *Example 4: intervalUnit and intervalValue auto-completion with larger interval* Similar as Example 3, a request without 'intervalUnit', 'intervalValue' and 'count' is made from = 2020-10-10T10:00:00Z to = 2020-10-10T12:00:00Z Rules 5 and 6 are applied, but since the time range is multiple hours long, the interval is determined to be HOUR intervalUnit = hour intervalValue = 1 count = 2 *Example 5: intervalUnit and intervalValue auto-completion with much larger interval* Similar as Example 3 and 4, a request without 'intervalUnit', 'intervalValue' and 'count' is made from = 2020-10-10T00:00:00Z to = 2020-10-15T00:00:00Z Rules 5 and 6 are applied, but since the time range is multiple days long, the interval is determined to be DAY intervalUnit = day intervalValue = 1 count = 5 *Example 6: intervalUnit and intervalValue auto-completion when count is also provided.* A request without 'intervalUnit' and 'intervalValue' is made from = 2020-10-10T10:00:00Z to = 2020-10-10T10:30:00Z count = 3 Since the difference between from and to date is 30 minute, and count asked is 3. Rule 8 is applied and 3 aggregate buckets of 10 minute is returned intervalUnit = minute intervalValue = 10 *Example 7: to and from date adjusted to pre-computed aggregate boundary* Following request is made from = 2020-10-10T02:10:00Z to = 2020-10-10T09:10:00Z intervalUnit = hour intervalValue = 1 Rule 7 is applied since aggregate is queried for 1 hour and dates are not aligned to Hour boundary, *from* and *to* dates are adjusted to Hour boundary from = 2020-10-10T02:00:00Z to = 2020-10-10T10:00:00Z *Example 8: to, from, intervalUnit and intervalValue asking for 4 hour aggregate* Following request is made from = 2020-10-10T00:00:00Z to = 2020-10-11T00:00:00Z intervalUnit = hour intervalValue = 4 Since pre-computed aggregate exists for every HOUR, Hourly aggregates will be combined and a response bucket every 4 hours will be returned
200 - OK
400 - Bad Request. Possible errors: <br> <table> <colgroup> <col span=\"1\" style=\"width: 30%;\"> <col span=\"1\" style=\"width: 70%;\"> </colgroup> <tr> <th align=\"left\">Code Suffix</th> <th align=\"left\">Message (parametrized)</th> </tr> <tr> <td>mdsp.core.iottsaggregates.tenantNotFound</td> <td>Tenant with identityId {0} not found.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>mdsp.core.iottsaggregates.assetNotFound</td> <td>Asset with id {0} not found.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>mdsp.core.iottsaggregates.assetTypeNotFound</td> <td>Asset type {0} not found.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>mdsp.core.iottsaggregates.aspectNotFound</td> <td>Aspect with name {0} not found.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>mdsp.core.iottsaggregates.invalidInput</td> <td>Invalid value '{1}' for request param - {0}</td> </tr> </table>
404 - Not found. Possible errors: <br> <table> <colgroup> <col span=\"1\" style=\"width: 30%;\"> <col span=\"1\" style=\"width: 70%;\"> </colgroup> <tr> <th align=\"left\">Code Suffix</th> <th align=\"left\">Message (parametrized)</th> </tr> <tr> <td>assetNotFound</td> <td>Asset with given ID not found.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>aspectNotFound</td> <td>Aspect with given ID not found.</td> </tr> </table>
0 - Other error with any status code and response body format