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Cloud Foundry SSH

Overview SSH


Secure Shell (SSH) is a network protocol for operating services over an unsecured network. Cloud Foundry offers such a functionality for connecting to applications running on Cloud Foundry and for managing bound Backing Service instances. Read the official CF SSH Components and Processes article if you want to have more information about the underlying implementation.

For instance if you need to troubleshoot and instance of an app, you can connect via SSH directly to the container executing your application. This enables you to troubleshoot problems by viewing additional log files or monitor load of individual processes with the standard system tools.

Besides troubleshooting applications you can also use SSH to connect to a Backing Service instance and execute raw SQL commands, to import and export data or to debug application data issues (see Accessing Services with SSH and the Backing Service documentation for more details).

SSH Access

We recommend to only enable the SSH access when required and to deactivate it afterwards. In addition, consider who receives the permissions to enable and disable the SSH access and limit this only to person who should have it.

Control Hierarchy

Default Settings

  • Space SSH is activated by default.
  • App SSH is deactivated by default until a user with the role Space Developer enables it for a specific app.

The following table shows the CF user roles and their scopes of permissions for enabling and disabling SSH.

CF User Role Scope of SSH Permissions Available Commands
SpaceManager Space cf CLI allow-space-ssh and disallow-space-ssh commands
SpaceDeveloper Application cf CLI enable-ssh and disable-ssh commands

Access to an application via SSH is only possible if space managers and space developers grant SSH access at their respective levels. To illustrate this the following image shows a Cloud Foundry Org where:

  • A space manager enabled SSH access for all applications running in spaces "A", "B" but not "C".
  • A space developer allowed SSH for application "App 1" and "App 2" but not for "App 3" in space "A"
  • A space developer allowed SSH for application "App 1" but not for "App 2" "App 3" in space "B"

Cloud Foundry SSH Access Hierarchy

Connect to an application via SSH

Next, we show you in a step-by-step guide how to connect to your application via SSH with the CF CLI.


You need to have

  • either a user with the CF roles SpaceManager and SpaceDeveloper,
  • or access to a space with already enabled SSH access and the role SpaceDeveloper and
  • a running application in this space.


Follow the steps to connect to an application container:

  1. Log into Cloud Foundry by using the CLI (e.g. cf login -a --sso).
  2. Select the space with enabled SSH or enable it with cf allow-space-ssh {spaceName}.
  3. Check with cf space-ssh-allowed {spaceName} if SSH is enabled.
  4. Run cf enable-ssh {appName} to enable SSH for your application.
  5. Restart your application.
  6. Use cf ssh {appName} to connect to your application.

You are now connected to application container. Test the connection by running commands like ls or top inside the container.

Exit and disable the access afterwards::

  1. Run the command exit to close the connection.
  2. Use cf disable-ssh {appName} to disable the SSH application access.
  3. Restart your application.
  4. You may run cf disallow-space-ssh {spaceName} to deactivate the SSH access for the space.


You must restart your app after enabling SSH access.

Connect with a proxy configuration

In case of being behind a company proxy or if you want to use special SSH tools like scp you need to connect differently. This step-by-step guide shows you how to connect to an application with Putty.


You need to have

  • either a user with the CF roles SpaceManager and SpaceDeveloper,
  • or access to a space with already enabled SSH access and the role SpaceDeveloper,
  • a running application in this space and
  • Putty installed on your system or another SSH tool.


Follow the steps below to securely connect to an application instance by logging in with a specially-formed username that passes information to the SSH proxy running on the host virtual machine of the container:

  1. Log into Cloud Foundry by using the CLI (e.g. cf login -a --sso).
  2. Select the space with enabled SSH or enable it with cf allow-space-ssh {spaceName}.
  3. Check with cf space-ssh-allowed {spaceName} if SSH is enabled.
  4. Run cf enable-ssh {appName} to enable SSH for your application.
  5. Use cf app {appName} --guid to get the application identifier.
  6. Retrieve with cf curl /v2/info the SSH endpoint (e.g. "app_ssh_endpoint": "") as the endpoint and port might change.
  7. Run cf ssh-code to obtain a one-time-password
  8. Use all information above to build a SSH connection URL with the following scheme cf:APP-GUID/APP-INSTANCE-INDEX@SSH-ENDPOINT (e.g. cf:2762072f-1e4e-4b73-8c9c-89c8e14382e5/
  9. Start Putty
  10. Input the previously created SSH connection URL and port in the Host Name (or IP address) and Port fields.
  11. Optional: Configure a proxy in Connection / Proxy options.
  12. Click on Open
  13. Use the one-time-password when being asked for a password

You are now connected to your application container. Use a command line tool like ls or top to test your connection.

Exit and disable the access afterwards::

  1. Close the window to close the connection.
  2. Use cf disable-ssh {appName} to disable the SSH application access.
  3. You may run cf disallow-space-ssh {spaceName} to deactivate the SSH access for the space.


Remote console on connected container

Accessing Backing Service Instances

For accessing a Backing Service instance we recommend to read the official Accessing Services with SSH documentation. In addition, you can find tutorials in the Backing Service documentation about connecting to the instances (use the left-hand-side navigation). For example see how to make a PostgreSQL service instance locally available.

Last update: November 11, 2023

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