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Cloud Foundry How Tos - Buildpacks

Binary Buildpack

Use the binary buildpack for running arbitrary binary web servers. For further information refer Binary Buildpack.


The binary_buildpack is running on cflinuxfs3 stack, which is based on Ubuntu Bionic 18.04. Therefore the binary has to be build on Ubuntu Bionic 18.04.


In push command, use the -b option and specify the buildpack binary_buildpack. Alternatively, the buildpack can be specified in manifest.yml with buildpack: binary_buildpack.
In push command, use the -c option to specify the start command, for example ./hello_world. Alternatively, the start command can be specified in Procfile like web: ./hello_world.

Operator Cockpit

For using the Auto deployment in Operator tenants's Operator Cockpit, specify the following:

  • buildpack or buildpacks in manifest.yml. However, since buildpack is deprecated, it is recommended to use buildpacks
  • start command in Procfile

Using Custom Buildpack

Custom Buildpack does not generally mean that you have to create the buildpack by your own. You can also use the Custom Buildpack feature to run your app on a specific version of a public buildpack.
This can also be helpful for your app lifecycle. By using a fix version of e.g. NodeJS buildpack, you can be sure, that development team, testing team and operations is using the same version of a buildpack and will not run into any version conflicts.
The Custom Buildpack can be added to manifest.yml or you can push your app with -b argument. E.g. cf push -b


It is recommended to change regularly to the latest version of a buildpack or buildpacks. Every update of these versions fixes security and/or functional issues.
It is in your own responsibility to use Custom buildpack or buildpacks and update to the latest attribute releases.

For further information, refer to Deploy Apps with a Custom Buildpack.

Last update: August 9, 2023

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