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Developing Cross-Tenancy-Aware Applications

You can use the Cross-Tenancy functionality to create shared resources like assets, aspects or types. By default, these shared resources are not displayed. This default setting prevents changes to your tenant and apps, that cannot support or handle the Cross-Tenancy function. You can change the visibility of shared resources with the query parameter includeShared. The includeShared parameter is set to false by default.

Make shared resources visible

In order to make all shared resources visible that are associated with Cross-Tenancy, you need to change the query parameter includeShared to true in your requests. You can set the includeShared parameter in the Asset Management service. For example, you can make shared assets visible. In order to make all shared resources visible, use the following request:

GET/PUT/PATCH/DELETE /<resource>?includeShared=true

Shared modus information of a resource

By introducing the Cross-Tenancy functionality, each resource gets the "sharing" property with an empty "RECEIVER" or "SHARER" mode. The empty mode indicates a not shared resource.

  • In the "RECEIVER" mode, a resource is shared with your tenant.
  • In the "SHARER" mode, a resource is shared by your tenant.

The following code example shows an excerpt of a request response:

    sharing: {
        modes: [RECEIVER]

Last update: March 17, 2023

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