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Acquiring an Agent Access Token via MindConnect MQTT Agents

An onboarded MindConnect MQTT agent can request an agent access token using the Agent Management Async API. The steps shown here assume that this is already accomplished.


MindConnect MQTT is not applicable for Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).


Update the following fields with appropriate values before using the samples given in this section:

  • <requestId>
  • <tenantId>
  • <clientId>
  • <AgentCertificate.Subject.CommonName>

Getting Agent Access Token

Agent Management Async API provides the below described topics to get an agent access token.

  1. Subscribe to the following topic to get an agent access token

    MQTT agent needs to subscribe to the following topic to get an auto-generated agent access token.

    <clientId> = <tenantId>_<AgentCertificate.Subject.CommonName>
    Topic Structure: tc/{tenantId}/{clientId}/i/agm_v3/tr

    Agent Management Async API will return message to device like following format.

    "id": "01G16N3FBCXMCBPHYPT9RZA9S1",
    "correlationId": "01G16N3FBBDEQ7GQB2YCB3G80J",
    "requestId": "request1",
    "data": {
    "access_token": "eyJraWQiOiJrZXktaWQtidHlwIjoiXXXXXT1IE1qcxHgNrU1HzZJo ",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 3600,
    "scope": ["mdsp:core:DefaultAgent"],
    "jti": "16c4229a275e43b08551cc322deb72a8",
    "timestamp": 1650564644
  2. Publish a message to the following topic to request an agent access token. MQTT agent needs to publish a message to the following topic to request an auto-generated agent access token.

    <clientId> = <tenantId>_<AgentCertificate.Subject.CommonName>
    Topic Structure: tc/{tenantId}/{clientId}/o/agm_v3/t

    Sample message body:

    "id": "<requestId>"

Last update: March 5, 2024

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