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Using context nodes

Example scenario

You can store and read the values using context nodes with the associated context type and key.


You can store and retrieve data from context variables using specific nodes. The context variables is not yet supported for region Europe 2.


To store and read the values using context nodes.

Procedure to store into the context

To store the values into the context using store-context node, follow these steps:

  1. Design the flow as shown below:

    welcome to VFC

  2. Edit the inject node properties:

    • String: Welcome to VFC
  3. Edit the store-context node properties:

    Edit store-context

    • Context: Select "Flow"
    • Key: Enter "Hello"


Click 138144714635.png to store or replace the values in the existing key.

4.Save and execute the flow.


The values are stored into the context successfully. The output is displayed in the context data tab:


Symbol Description
Refresh Refresh to display the key and value stored into the context.
Copy Copy the value.
Refresh Refresh to display the updated key and value.
Delete Deletes the key and value from the context.

Procedure to read from the context

To read the values from the context using read-context node, follow these steps:

  1. Design the flow as shown below:

    Design the flow

  2. Edit the read-context node properties:

    • Context: Select "Flow"
  3. Click Select icon.
  4. Select the Key.

    Flow context

  5. Save and execute the flow.


The output is displayed in the debug tab:

Welcome to VFC

Last update: April 23, 2024